Mummy Issues

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Fatima gets a call from her mom on her way to work:
Mrs wilson: Fatima
Fatima: mama
Mrs Wilson: girl are you ignoring my calls
Fatima: no mama I've been busy
Mrs wilson: are you still with that boy
Fatima: no I moved back to my apartment
Mrs Wilson: good. Now that's my girl.
Fatima: mama what do you want
Mrs wilson: just calling to check on you... make sure you are doing well
Fatima: I'm good ma. Thanks
Mrs wilson: girl what are you doing with your life... no pressure but you said you wanted to go to law school it's been 6 years and I don't see no school what's the long wait for
Fatima: ma I'm studying to take the lsat
Mr's wilson: you've been studying for 6years? What kind of exams is that... that's longer than the number of years for even a medical degree. Girl get serious with your life and stop wasting your time mingling with ex convicts
Fatima: mama don't....
Mrs Wilson: I'm so disappointed in your taste in men. Rachel's mom just called me to invite me to her daughter's wedding and asked me when you were getting married. If you keep sleeping with these kind of men... you'll continue getting your heart broken and will never marry. God forbid you become a single mom. I hope you are protecting yourself while sleeping with that ex convict
Fatima: his name is Zac not ex convict and I'm not a child ma
Mrs wilson: really?? But you let Ian impregnate and make you get an abortion
Fatima: mama what's this? You called me to insult me? Why do you treat me like this?? Do I remind you of your foul taste in men also?
Mrs wilson: girl don't talk to me like that. I gave birth to you
Fatima: well that's the only thing you did for me. Bye ma. Enjoy the rest of your day.

At the office
Andi: well damn girl.. you look upset
Fatima: no I'm good. Just had a long morning. Is there anything you want me to do for you
Andi: no girl.. how was your night
Fatima: I slept
Andi: of course I know you slept! I'm just asking how you and Zac are
Fatima: first of all, andi I don't appreciate you telling your girls my business
Andi: my bad I'm sorry friend... you know you can trust me
Fatima: I don't know that
Andi; don't act like that Tima what's wrong
Fatima: my mom 🥹
Andi: girl why are you crying? Is your mom okay
Fatima: she's just so mean to me and I don't understand why
Andi: girl I'm so sorry.
Fatima: it's okay.. it's fine I'm used to her coldness. I'll be fine
Andi: good have you seen... oh girl.. look who's here
Hi Zac, how are you feeling today. I love those flowers. Are they for me
Zac: no they are for Tima and I'm fine... Ti do you have a minute... (hands over the flowers to her)
Fatima: thanks. What are you doing here. I told you not to come here
Zac: I've been calling you
Fatima: I've been busy
Zac: wow.. Fatima I thought we were good... we had a good night.. why are you acting like this
Fatima: it was just a good night nothing more.. thanks for the flowers but I gotta get back to work
Zac: what? Did something happen to you?? Why are you being like this. I told you I didn't sleep with Connie and she confirmed it....
Fatima: why does everything have to be about you Zac!
Zac: Fatima what's wrong? We were good this morning
Fatima: no we are not.
Zac: I just got back from the clinic do you want to know how it went with scans they took?
Fatima: of course! Let's go back to Zac's problems!
Zac: time out... time out... I'm confused now.. what did I do again
Fatima: nothing... look I had a long day... I'll talk to you later
Zac: are you coming home?
Fatima: no. I told you I moved to my apartment...I'm not moving back to your house
Zac: Fatima what's wrong. We had a good night
Fatima: nothing I'm good
Zac: okay can I take you out for lunch
Fatima: it's past lunch time and I have work to do
Zac: okay I can pick you up after for dinner... please don't say no... please I want to talk to you
Fatima: about what?
Zac: about us! You and me
Fatima: look Zac I'm not in the mood for this drama
Zac: so our love is a drama?
Fatima: obviously! Look at all the shit you put me through! How many women will stay for all this
Zac: Fatima what are you saying to me
Fatima: look Zac I need to focus on my life and not be entangled with anymore of your problems. I have no life! All I do is fight one baby mama after the other! What kind of life is that
Zac: Fatima... I'm sorry you feel this way but I thought we were working through it together as a unit
Fatima: I'm tired of working through it... relationships are not supposed to be this hard
Zac: alright. You are not in a good mood I see. I'll leave you to it. Have a good evening

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