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Andi: so how was your night

Fatima: was yours

Andi: can't did the therapy go

Fatima: girllll...that doctor was flirting with Zac the whole time we were there

Andi: what?? Are you sure

Fatima: girl I'm not crazy...she was batting her lashes, constantly adjusting her boobs..doing this lil small touches...been there...done that. I know when a girl is flirting

Andi: mmmhhh she did all that! What does she look like

Fatima: I don't know...just basic ( turns around)

Andi: girl....I know you already snooped through her social media! Drop the handle

Fatima: hold on let me get my phone

Andi: (after going through her Instagram) girllllll she's not basic at all... she's fine fine...look at this picture..are the boobs real ???

Fatima: they don't look real to me

Andi: girl you are just hating that's a very hot therapist!! Interesting choice of occupation for did Zac find her

Fatima: a doctor recommended her

Andi: uhmmm and how long has he been seeing her...alone?

Fatima: I don't know how many sessions they've had...but I made it clear if she makes a move..I'll kill the bitch

Andi: Fatima!!!

Fatima: what!!! Shit I have to protect my relationship

Andi: you don't have to threaten every girl around him to protect your relationship... if he loves you...he will not do anything to compromise his relationship with have to trust him enough to handle these beautiful women

Fatima: I trust him..I's the dick I don't trust

Andi:(coughing) I believe he is matured enough to control himself

Fatima: well then this is a good test for him

Andi: what do you mean test...what are you testing him for

Fatima: you'll find out soon...I have to start typing out the there anything else I can help with

Andi: that should be all..I'll see you

Fatima: sure sure

Returns a call from Zac
Fatima: babe Whatsup

Zac: I called you

Fatima:I'm returning the call

Zac: I have a Therapy session today...just wanted to see if you were okay with me going to her before I head out

Fatima: I'm good...thanks for asking

Zac: so we alright ?

Fatima: yes Zac...I'll pass by your end for dinner before I go home

Zac: it's our house not mine...ours

Fatima: mmm we'll see. Alright I gotta go

Zac: I love you

Fatima: love you too

Angela enters her office

Angela: was that Zac

Fatima: yesss...Any problems?

Angela: no no none at all...I don't like the way things has been between us...Fatima you are my bestfriend and I'm truly sorry If I offended you

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