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Zac: Whatsup... leans in to kiss her

Fatima: you tell me... what are you doing here

Zac: sooo I grabbed some LSAT books for you.. you know you gotta start studying soon
(Hands the books over to her)

Fatima: oh my God Zac thanks babe... how do you know which ones to get

Zac: I did my research

Fatima: aww that's so sweet. Thank you baby (leans in to kiss him again)

Zac: so Whatsup.. you ready ?

Fatima: ready for ?

Zac: therapy... you said you wanted to come with me yesterday

Fatima: oh shit yes yes.. umm let me talk to Andi real quick I'll be back

Goes to Andi's office

Andi: coming to ask to go out with him?

Fatima: mmm yes. Andi I'll be back before you know it
Andi: no ma'am we have a lot to do today

Fatima: come on don't be like this

Andi: i'm just joking... you can go. Say hi to him for me

Fatima : why don't you say hi yourself

Andi: you know what?? I will

They both come out of Andi's office

Andi: hi Zac

Zac:hi Andi ...Whatsup

Andi: where are you taking my assistant to

Zac: therapy

Andi; oh good good... you both need it

Fatima; andi I don't need therapy... I'm just going to support Zac

Andi: Fatima...I think you need it more than Zac

Fatima: andi.. I'm not crazy!

Andi:  could have fooled me. Alright bye guys. Zac make sure she gets some sessions too alright....she's in need of a long session

Zac: bet bet

Fatima: I don't need therapy guys...I'm good

Andi: bye girl

At the therapist
Tiffany: hello to my favorite patient...(leans in to hug Zac) it's always good to see you Zachary

Zac: thank you thank you... umm this is my fiancé  Fatima.. she wanted to have a session with me today. Fatima meet dr Tiffany

Fatima; hi.. I'm Fatima

Tiffany: Tiffany... nice to meet you

Fatima: can't say the same about you

Zac: babe what ??

Fatima: doc is that how you hug all of your clients

Zac: don't do that... don't do that

Tiffany: oh I'm sorry about that... I'm a very umm affectionate person

Fatima: hmmm I see that...but tone it down. I'm very crazy when I get jealous you don't want to see that side

Tiffany: right. have a seat please. Zac would you like us to pick up from where we left last week

Zac: umm. I don't know are the professional so shoot

Tiffany: are you comfortable with your fiancé here

Fatima; why won't he be comfortable doc
Tiffany: I'm sorry ms....

Fatima: Wilson

Tiffany: good ms Wilson.. therapy works differently for different people and it's my job to make sure that my clients are comfortable in each session.  They are more open when they are comfortable if you get what I mean

Fatima; babe do you want me here

Zac: yes of course

Fatima: there... you have it.. go on

Tiffany: alright then... we are going to do something a lil different today Zac

Fatima: because I'm here?

Zac: babe stopp please.

Tiffany: (clears her throat) so as I was saying.. the last time you were here you mentioned your need for intimacy..I'm i correct

Zac: yes

Tiffany: tell me more about it... at what age did you start having sex

Zac: 13


Tiffany: do I sense some judgment here

Fatima: none at all

Tiffany: go on.. who was it with

Zac: my mom's friend

Tiffany: why an older woman

Zac: to spite my mom.. idk to embarrass her like she was constantly embarrassing me

Tiffany: did you succeed in embarrassing her

Zac: that woman had no shame... she could care less who I was fucking

Tiffany: were you hurt by that

Zac: I don't know... never got the chance to process it

Tiffany: good... can you process it today. You can close your eyes....think back to Zac at 13 years and tell me all the emotions you were feeling

Zac closes his eyes

Zac: abandoned, unloved, angry, not good enough (starts crying)
Tiffany: go on.. you are doing well

Zac: traumatized
At this point Zac started crying and shaking profusely

Tiffany: what was it like the first time...did your mom's friend abuse you ?

Zac: no no ...I knew what I was doing

Tiffany: okay..but if it was your first, how did you know what to do?
Zac: I use to see my mom having sex with these hood niggas all the time

Tiffany: okay was that it ?

Zac: yes

Tiffany: are you sure? Can you close your eyes one more time...let's delve into your childhood...did your mom do anything to you

Zac:no no no (starts shaking and quivering)

Tiffany: why are you shaking... what happened

Zac:bursts out crying....I was 7

Zac: she came home drunk and High

Tiffany: go on
Zac: she started touching me...she said my dick was too big for my age.....

Tiffany: and??

Zac:no no no I can't do this...Fatima let's go

Fatima: crying...babe listen to are doing so are doing a good job. I think this is good..look at me...Zac look at me please...

Zac: (in tears) I'm so embarrassed

Fatima: babe you don't have to be...we are in this together...take a deep breath and close your eyes again...Tiffany please continue

Tiffany;what happened that night

Zac: she gave me head (snifffing)
Zac:I stood up...I tried to run.. she said it was my fault

Tiffany: what was your fault?

Zac: i don't know ... she trapped me in the room and had sex with me

Fatima:(leans in and hugs him while both crying profusely) i'm so so so sorry babe...

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