Girls Night

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Andi: danni do not mention anything when she gets here
Danni: I'm not. I promise. I like Fatima. She's my girl
Sabrina: so Zac cheated on her?mmmh I knew it! Niggas like that will never change! Same thing he did to Karen! I knew that nigga ain't shit
Fatima: hi Sabrina. I think you are asking the wrong person that question. If it's about me, you should be asking me
Sabrina: I'm so sorry. I promise we were not talking about you
Fatima: andi really? You called me here to make me the topic of your gossip?
Andi: no no Fatima. Thats not true. The girls and I...we talk about each other. You know how girls are
Fatima: I'm sorry I can't do this I have to go.
Danni: why are you being like this Fatima. We are your girls too..we like you.
Fatima: but you were just talking about me and I just heard Sabrina say Zac ain't shit
Danni: cos he ain't shit. Look what he did to you
Fatima:  regardless of what he did to me I don't appreciate any of you speaking that way about him
Danni: oh shit! You still defending him?
Andi: she almost shot her best-friend for coming at him. She don't play about him!
Danni: oh no! You've been dickmatized! Girl he must have hit all the right spots between your thighs. I knew it. That dick got everyone acting crazy. even me!
Fatima: excuse me? Danni did you just say you fucked him too?
Andi: don't listen to Danni she's high
Danni: oh girl no no no no. I'm not high. I didn't fuck him but i know what he's working it(sips her drink)
Fatima: well how do you know??
Dani: shit cos he lived with me! And I saw it when he took a shower
Sabrina: Danni!!!
Dani: what??? Y'all always shutting me up like I'm a kid. I'm not!
Fatima:(laughing) it's okay Dani. Once you didn't smash, we are good
Dani: girl! Did I tell you that I like you☺️
Fatima: not yet 😊
Dani: I like you! I really do! but come on girl what are you doing with Zac. If he keeps hurting you like this you gotta let it go
Fatima: I have!
Andi: girl you were 2 seconds from jumping Dani when she said she fucked him
Fatima: no I wasn't! I was processing it
Dani: girl who are you lying to.
Fatima: guys cut me some slack geeez I'm trying! It's just so hard to get him out my my head. He's like cocaine
Dani: I bet it's hard to get him out of your coochie too huh
Andi and Sabrina: Dani!
Sabrina: stop being vulgar!
Dani: Sabrina why do you keep acting innocent when you've been shoving toys down the ass of your panty man
Fatima: wait what!
Andi: facts! No lies
All girls start laughing
Karen: I guess I missed the invitation. I have a replacement now ain't it
Dani: shit! Karen what are you doing here
Karen: I came to have dinner with Aaron and was surprised seeing you girls here. Thought I'd come and find out why I wasn't invited
Andi: because I thought you were not going to come
Karen: oh really? Or because you found a replacement who will tell you what you want to here. Y'all are on some bullshit you know that right
Fatima: Karen why you gotta be so mad at the entire world every time. Your friends love you.. can't you see that
Karen; I'm not talking to you Fatima!
Fatima: well you!
Dani: well since both of y'all are getting over Zac maybe you can be friends
Andi: Danni!!!! Will you stop talking nonsense
Karen: what is she talking about
Sabrina: mmmm Zac cheated on her!
Karen :(starts laughing) I'm sorry what ?
Danni: yep! Same thing he did to you
Karen: I knew that nigga would never change ! I said it ! What Kind of father is he going to be
Fatima: a kind one
Dani: shit girl you are still defending him?
Fatima: im not defending him. But if things didn't work out between us it doesn't mean he ain't shit
Dani : oh you are different ! I see why he's obsessed with you
Karen: not obsessed enough to keep his dick in his pants then😂I see
Fatima: I think imma go. Andi thanks for inviting me but I'll head home
Andi: girl I'm so sorry...did the movers bring your stuff yet
Fatima: yes. I'm all settled in now. I'll see you at work tomorrow and thanks for inviting me. Bye girls
Dani: she's still crazy over him. I see it
Fatima : I can still hear you Danni
Danni: girl I wanted you to hear me. I'm not the bitch that whispers and gossips
Danni: she's gone now spit the tea! 🤭
Andi: so Zac came to the office to beg.....and he said he didn't sleep with the girl
Karen: oh please! He's lying
Dani: Zac said he didn't? Oh then he didn't! There must be some miscommunication or misunderstanding somewhere.
Andi: let's not jump the gun yet. So Zac is literally on his knees at the office begging Fatima to come home and guess what she said
All girls: what????
Andi: (imitating Fatima) "nigga the next time you come anywhere close to me I'll shoot you and call it self defense"
Dani: whatttt???  She said that? I knew I liked the girl
Andi: if I tell you how scared he looked😂😂😂girl you won't believe it
Sabrina: Is she serous about shooting him though
Andi; girl have you met Fatima? She don't play!
Dani: but let's get to the point here girls. I know Zac...and I can put my last penny on it. If he said he didn't do it, then he didn't do it
Andi: same thing I told Fatima. But she doesn't want to hear it
Sabrina: maybe she already moved on
Andi: what do you mean she moved on
Sabrina: she is with this nice guy at the back of the restaurant
Andi: where
Sabrina: behind the bar
Dani: oh shit! This is not going to end well
Karen: shittt
Andi:what's it
Sabrina: Zac just walked in. He looks angry.
Dani: this is going to be good. Waiter bring me 6 of this drink! I need to be high for what's coming!

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