Off limits

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Tiffany: do you think what happened with your mom and all the other women in your childhood has affected your relationships with women?

Zac: (sniffs) idk you tell me... you are the doctor

Tiffany: alright...let's delve into your previous relationships
(Fatima shifts in her chair uncomfortably)

Tiffany: who was your first girlfriend... what was she like..

Zac: Connie... we grew up in the hood together..

Tiffany: does she have any close resemblance to your mom

Zac: idk...I think so

Tiffany: okay.. why did the relationship end

Zac: it was unhealthy.. we..we were just fucking all the time..doing mad shit together

Tiffany: long did that last

Zac: was on and off

Tiffany: did you ever cheat on her?

Zac( turns to look at Fatima shifting uncomfortably in her chair) doc can we not do least not today

Fatima: please go ahead..don't stop on my account..I promise I'm good.

Tiffany: if you don't want her here I believe she'd understand and excuse us right? Ms Wilson?

Zac: no no...that won't be necessary.. it's fine
Yes I cheated on Connie

Tiffany: okayyy why?

Zac: idk ...just teenagers stuff.. messing around. She was messing around with other dudes too

Tiffany: okay and the girl after ?

Zac: can we fast forward... it's a long list I don't want to go through them right now

Tiffany: okay let's move to the past three years

Fatima starts coughing

Tiffany: are you okay?

Fatima: yes yes I'm good...I just need some water

Tiffany; okay( gets up to give Fatima water) So Zac within the past three years how many women have you dated

Zac: just 2 Fatima included

Tiffany: wow...umm who's the one before Fatima

Zac: Karen...her name is Karen

Tiffany: what is she like?

Zac: what do you mean

Tiffany: okay let's break it down... what does she look like

Zac: on the slimmer side... dark..tall

Tiffany: like your mom?

Zac: I don't know...she acts like her a lot though

Tiffany: how?

Zac: she belittles me.... Embarrasses me...talks down on know

Tiffany: I guess that's why it ended.

Zac: no I cheated on her

Tiffany:umm okay why? Intimacy issues?

Zac: no... she was always down for it

Tiffany: unlike your fiancé?

Fatima: excuse me?

Tiffany: I'm just trying to understand my client more Ms Wilson...nothing against you

Fatima: looks like the question was targeted at me

Tiffany: I apologize for I said nothing against you

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