Breakfast but no desserts

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Zac: I'm not going to do anything if you don't want to
Fatima: The couch looks uncomfortable.. so I'm going to let you get in bed with me and we will go to sleep... Just sleep
Zac: okay
Fatima: what did I say
Zac: you said we are going upstairs just to sleep.
Fatima: good
They go upstairs and turn the lights off. After minutes of both of them tossing and turning
Zac: you awake?
Fatima: I can't sleep with the way your dick is poking me
Zac: I'm not doing anything. It's not me. That thing has a mind of its own. And I'm not even going to lie you look sexy in my shirt...can't even blame it. And I can see how hard your nipples are....and that ass... girl have you seen yourself!
Fatima: I'm not wearing any panties too 🤭
Zac: oh word?
Fatima: want to see for yourself?

Zac pushes her shirt up her belly and sees her bare pussy. She spreads her legs out giving him more access as he gently kisses down from her neck to her inner thighs and starts to rub circles around her clit. Her hips raise with the motion, and he slides a finger in.
Zac: God you are so wet and you smell so good
Fatima: Zac we are not going to have sex
Zac: I know I know. (Still trailing kisses down her neck, breast and stomach)
Fatima: (moaning) zac what are you doing... uhhh
Zac: nothing. I just want to show you how much I miss you
He starts kissing her neck and trails down to her breast while rubbing the other breast with his hand and goes down to her thighs. He puts his head on her vagina and breathes in her scents

Zac: I just love the way you smell, the way you taste, how soft these folds are .
Fatima starts squirming beneath him while he drops kisses around her inner thighs. He starts sucking her clitoris and starts eating her out. He puts one finger in her pussy and adds another finger while still sucking
Fatima: I'm gonna come... Zac uhhh
Zac: whose pussy is this

He attacks her clitoris with his mouth and moves in circles and different motions until she starts whining for release. He realizes and goes faster as the orgasm shakes her entire body and she starts cumming in waves . He pushes his fingers inside and he feels her clamp around it

Fatima: yours Zac yours. the orgasm comes crushing like waves and she starts shaking, squirming and screaming his name

Fatima: are something else
Zac: I love you
Fatima: well I love what you just did
Zac: so I'm just a piece of meat🤢
Fatima: boy!! Get over yourself
Zac: so nothing for me? Going to let me sleep with blue balls? No release
Fatima: nothing for you. Go to bed. I'm going to clean up
Zac: wow that's how it is?
Fatima: yhup go to bed or you want me to get your side chick for you?
Zac: I have the real thing lying beside me why would I want to Fuck that
Fatima: cos when you start you'll want to go more rounds and I don't want that. So let's sleep
Zac: I promise. Just one time. Let me dip it in just once. It will be quick
Fatima: no Zac no
Zac: alright alright. You know this is not Fair right? Just saying
Fatima: boy go to bed and don't start any funny business while I'm asleep
Zac: alright bet

Next morning
Fatima: brought your medicine up and breakfast, you awake?
Zac: I've been up... 2 of us
Fatima: 2 of who ?
Zac: (points to his dick standing at attention)
Fatima: oh wow ummm I gotta go downstairs I need to make some calls
Zac: as usual... you are running. Go ahead and run . I got no pussy but at least I got some breakfast we good.
What I got for dessert?
Fatima: just breakfast Zac... breakfast no dessert nothing else!

Fatima on the phone downstairs
Angela: girl did you fuck him
Fatima: no
Angela: so why are you giggling so much
Fatima: I got the best head of my life girl. I was shaking and he won't stop God Zac is such a pleaser
Angela: fatimaaaa!! You said you were not going to do nothing with him!
Fatima: girl have you seen Zac? How I'm I supposed to control myself
Angela: it was that easy to get you back?
Fatima: Angela what do you mean
Angela: just saying. You sure you want to go through all that drama just for some good dick
Fatima: Angela I love him... you should know that
Angela: but girl he is sleeping around
Fatima: no he's not ... he didn't fuck the girl
Angela: how do you know that
Fatima: he told me
Angela: and you believe him?
Fatima: the girl confirmed it
Angela: you spoke to her too? Oh shit this is some good tea
Fatima: girl my life is not a tea for your gossips. Girl bye!
Fatima hangs up and returns Andi's call
Andi: are you alive? I've been worried about you. How's Zac
Fatima: he's fine
Andi: and??? Girl spit it out what's going on
Fatima: nothing... he's getting better so that's good
Andi: girl anddddd????
Fatima: what's with the anddd??? What do you want to know
Andi: did you guys make up?
Fatima: well no. Kind of
Andi: what do you mean kind of. Did you fuck him ?
Fatima: no
Andi: mmmhhhhh I don't believe you and your answers are very very suspicions so i'mma let you go but we will continue this conversation at the office
Fatima: alright andi bye
Andi: if you come in giggling and smiling, then I know something went down last night 😂😂😂
Fatima:: girl bye!

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