Solid Foundation

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Angela: girl what the fuck

Fatima: what

Angela: I'm not trying to start nothing but is that not Zac

Fatima: girl stop it..he should be at therapy now

Angela: mhhh

Fatima: what are you looking...(turns around and sees Zac and Tiffany) what the ...(stammering)

Angela: girl who is she

Fatima: his therapist

Angela: what are they doing here then

Fatima: girl I have no clue..I'm 3 seconds away from busting their ass

Angela tries to take Fatima's bag

Fatima: what are you doing Angela..let go of my bag

Angela; girl I know you..I'm preventing you from going to jail..

Fatima: Angela I'm not playing with you...let go of my bag

Angela: Fatima don't do nothing stupid

Fatima goes to sit by Zac

Zac: hey did you get my text

Fatima: what text..what the fuck are you doing here with her

Zac: calm down calm down

Fatima: nigga don't fucking tell me to calm down..I'm about to loose my shit...why the fuck are you at a bar with a bitch that's been flirting with you.

Tiffany: I'm sorry I'm not a bitch and I'm not flirting with him... he is my patient that will be against my professional code

Fatima: do you wine and dine your patients

Tiffany: yes some of them

Fatima: Zac ....I'm not going to ask you again...what the fuck are you doing here with her

Tiffany: don't you trust your fiancé?

Fatima: I'm not talking to you

Tiffany: well just to let you know that trust is the foundation of every relationship and no building can stand without a solid foundation, same as a relationship

Fatima: girl I didn't ask for your 2$ therapy might want to save your cents for a better boob job next time

Zac: Fatima!!

Fatima: don't fucking talk to me! You are so full of shit

Zac: no I'm not

Fatima: yes you are! I knew it was just a matter of time before you did this. I'm not even disappointed...I'm tired of fighting for a relationship that keeps hurting me

Zac: how did we get here.. you are acting like you caught me fucking her. This is a public space's a public space what could I possibly be doing with her  here!

Fatima: Yh right. Angela let's go. Loose my number

Car ride home
Angela: you okay?

Fatima: but I'll be.. I can't believe this nigga is still playing these games

Angela: well I don't want to be in the middle of this but he's is a public space..if he was doing something that's the last place he should be

Fatima: that bitch wants to sleep with him

Angela: how the hell do you know that

Fatima: that's the therapist I was just telling you about

Angela: ooh she's hot

Fatima: come on is not the time

Angela: what are you really upset about

Fatima: the nigga lied to me

Angela: about??

Fatima: girl.. this dude told me he was going to therapy

Angela: and??? Wasn't he with the therapist? I'm I missing something

Fatima: girl quit playing with me... who has therapy in the bar

Angela: people in need of a therapy

Fatima: you are starting to annoy me...stop talking to can take me back to the office to get my car

Angela: fine!

Fatima: have you seen my phone?

Angela: thought you said not to talk to you

Fatima: Angela I'm serious..I can't find my phone...maybe I left it at the bar?

Angela; nah I didn't see you with your phone

Fatima: shit! I might have left it in my car...I hope it's in my car

Angela: Yh cos if you left it at the bar it would probably be stolen by now

At the bar
Zac: I'm sorry but I have to go

Tiffany: I understand...but i strongly recommend therapy for your fiancé...I'm seeing some triggers in her and I'm not quite sure if it's safe for you two to be around each other

Zac: I'm good.. we'll continue some other your office please...nowhere else... I could use some less drama

Tiffany: are you calling me dramatic?

Zac: no no not at all's just the situation. Have a good night.

At the parking lot

Angela: is it in the car

Fatima: yes thank God...oh 15 missed calls!

Angela: from who

Fatima: Zac oh he left voicemails and messages

She reads
4:15 pm
Hey babe...been trying to reach you...where you at... the therapist changed the location to a bar...wanted to find out if you were okay with that. Please respond when you can

4:26 pm response ?? I just spoke to her assistant and it looks like she does stuff like that with her patients...kind of like a change of you mind if I go?

Hey Fatima...getting a lil worried about you ....please return my calls..really need the therapy so I'm going to go.sharing my location with you incase you want to know where am at. Love you...see you at dinner...btw you looked mighty fine in that blue dress can't wait to take it off 😈

Fatima: oh shit

Angela: Whatsup

Fatima: hands phone to Angela

Angela: ummmm looks like I was wrong about he asks permission to go out?

Fatima: Yh even with his boys

Angela: girl...

Fatima: Angela I know I know..I get triggers from Ian cheating...shit!!!I was wrong..I know...stop looking at me like that

Angela: what you gon do?

Fatima: apologize...give him so bomb sex..that's all it takes to get Zac

Angela; (gives her a high five) girl head home and do your thang! Pass by the pharmacy too..might need something for  your throat

Fatima: girl bye!

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