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Paul: you are so beautiful, it's insane
Fatima: well thank you
Paul: no thank you for having dinner with me
Fatima: well I was already here so might as well have
Paul:quick question tho were you really about to run us both over
Fatima: I might have. When I get mad I don't see anything. I just go blank
Paul; you know that is not good right? Did you talk to dr reed about that?
Fatima: talk to him about what?
Paul: your problem.
Fatima: I don't have any problems. I'm good
Paul: no you're not good
Fatima: look can we eat. I'm hungry
Zac comes over and sits at their table
Zac: I need to talk to you
Fatima: Zac if you don't stop appearing everywhere, I will get a restraining order. I'm not playing with you
Paul: brother stop being disrespectful and leave
Zac: yo I'm not talking to you. I need to talk to Fatima
Fatima: well I don't want yo talk to you
Zac: so you've moved on? This quick? I told you this nigga was up to something and you said he was just being nice. And now you are here talking and laughing with him. Are you going to fuck him after this dinner too
Fatima: if I want to. Well you know what,  I will. Come on Paul let's go
Zac: you are not leaving this place till we talk
Paul: did you hear what she said. We are going to stand up and go and if you make any wrong move I'll fuck you up
Zac: really ? Who the fuck do you think you are talking to
Paul: try me
Zac hits Paul and tries to pull Fatima outside. Paul stops him and hits Zac's head with a bottle which causes zac to fall and start bleeding. The girls rush to their table
Danni: oh my god he's bleeding. What did you do to him
Paul: let's get out of here Fatima
Fatima: (screaming) Paul I told you to stop! Omg Andi call the ambulance. Zac Zac, are you okay. Zac can you hear me
Paul: he'll be fine let's go
Fatima: nigga are you out of your mind. You hit someone who is bleeding and you say he will be fine. What kind of human are you.
Karen tries to wake Zac up
Karen: Zac Zac Zac can you hear me
Dani: shit he's closing his eyes where is the ambulance
Aaron: they'll be here soon. Let's go home Karen
Karen: (crying) that's the father of my child I want to know if he's doing well
Paul: this nigga has baby mamas and you still with him ?
Fatima: I'm going to ask you one more time to get the fuck out of here.
Andi: Paul I think you should leave
Dani: why is he leaving. He needs to be in jail
Paul: he hit me first
Fatima: he hit you with his hand not a glass.
The paramedics come and take him away.
Aaron: well since he's going to the hospital now we can go home
Karen: no I want to go to the hospital. I have to be with him. What if he needs something
Fatima; I'll take care of him
Karen: take care how? He's like that because you were flirting with this dangerous guy
Fatima: Aaron you better get her. Andi I'll be going to the hospital I might not be able to come in tomorrow
Andi: yes yes of course do what you have to do. Call me if you need anything
Dani; what do you mean call if you need anything. I'm concerned too I want to know how he's doing. He didn't look good. Fatima can I come with you
Fatima: sure let's go
Karen: I want to know how he's doing too. I'm gonna go to the hospital. Aaron I don't want you saying nothing. That's the father of my child

At the clinic
Doctor: where is Zachary Taylor's family
Karen : I'm his baby mama. I'm carrying his child doc
Doctor: no relatives here? Wife, mother
Fatima: he is my fiancé.
Karen : didn't you say y'all broke up
Fatima; girl that's none of your business. Listen doc he's my fiancé. I need to see him
Karen: didn't your boyfriend do this to him
Fatima: Karen you have one more thing to say before I loose it.
Dani: Karen will you stop. This is not about you two . Doc that's his fiancé Fatima go ahead
Doc: okay who is Fatima
Fatima: me.. why?
Doc: he's been mumbling your name since he got here. I wasn't sure why
Fatima: I'm Fatima... can you take me to him please
Doc : sure follow me
Fatima: oh my god why does he look like that
Doc: that was what I wanted to discuss with you privately. Does he drink or do drugs
Fatima: no no.
Doc: looks like he has been taking in very large quantities of alcohol and something else within the last 48hours
Fatima: something else like what? I've never seen him do drugs nor drink in large quantities
Doc; really
Fatima: we've been having some issues I'm thinking that is it but he doesn't do drugs.
Doc: alright I'll have them run some more tests on him and I'll leave you to talk to him. He's unconscious because of all the medication. But he should be fine. We are still monitoring him
Fatima: thanks doc
Doc: you know that man loves you right
Fatima:( in tears) I know doc thanks
Goes to lie on Zac's chest
Fatima: babe what are you doing to us 🥹wake up and talk to me (sniffing)
The girls come in later
Andi: is he awake
Fatima: (crying) no andi. He's not waking up
Karen: this is your fault you know that right?😒
Fatima: Karen this is not the time. Really stop it. I'm warning you
Karen: what you gonna do. Hit my head with a bottle like your boyfriend did to him
Fatima grabs Karen's hand about to push her out of the room and she heard her name from Zac's lips
Zac: Ti you know I love you right. My whole life I've never had any woman like you... (he whispers unconsciously)
Dani: okay now Karen time out, time to go. That man even in this state is talking about Fatima. Girl why are you picking battles that does not even exist. He's clearly madly in love with her ...let it go
Karen: I'm out of here. Y'all full of shit
Andi goes to hug Fatima who is sobbing and Danni does the same too
Dani: the man loves you
Fatima: in hiccups he cheat...ed on me Danni
Dani: if he said he didn't do it then he didn't do it. Talk to him. That's your man. Communicate with him
Fatima: thanks Dani and andi. I'd like to be alone with him
Dani: alright bet bet you all better not do nothing nasty in here
Andi: Dani he's unconscious!!! What could they possibly do
Dani: that's a fetish! Haven't you slept with an unconscious man before. It's so good you can do whatever you want with the dick. Fatima you should try that😝

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