She's gone

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Tony: bro you don't sound good
Zac: she left 🥹🥹🥹
Tony: who?
Zac: Fatima
Tony: okay this is not the first time she left right? She'll probably be back in the morning
Zac: she packed all her shit! Fuck bro. I ruined this. You know I never had anyone like Fatima. Y'all got in my head and messed this up
Tony: bro what are you saying.
Zac: fuck y'all
Tony: Zac, you are not good. You need help. You need to see someone.
Zac: everyone suddenly knows what Zac wants. fuck you! get off my phone!
Tony: I'll be at the house soon
Zac: don't come here. I want to be alone.
Zac Goes to the shower, kneels down, screams and cries while having flashbacks of shower moments with Fatima
Andi: hello this is Andi who am I speaking to
Angela: hi Andi I'm sorry to call you this late but this is Angela, Fatima's friend. I know it's late but you need to talk to Fatima. She doesn't want me to come over but since you are her boss I'm thinking she'd want to talk to you
Andi: what happened? Is she okay
Angela: I think she and Zac got into a big argument and broke up
Andi: where's is she now?
Angela: her old apartment
Andi: shit this must be serious then. I'll head there right away thanks for calling me

Andi rushes to Fatima's old apartment and starts banging on the door
Andi: Fatima open the damn door!
Fatima: Andi what do you want
Andi: I want to talk to you
Fatima: go away. I don't want to talk
Andi: okay I'm not going to talk I just want to see you
Fatima: no go away Andi
Andi: Fatima open the damn door before I break it down
Fatima opens the door and hugs Andi
Andi: oh my God! girl what happened. I've never seen you like this
Fatima: he... he cheated.. on me (sniffing uncontrollably)
Andi: what ? Zac?? Cheated with who
Fatima: idk. The bitch's name is Connie. Look Andi I'm okay I just need some time to put my self together away from all this noise and drama (tries to wipe the tears away)
Andi: you need time off work? You can take all the time you need Fatima. I'll always be there for you
Fatima hugs Andi tightly
Fatima: thank you
Andi: do you want to talk about what happened?
Fatima: Andi that nigga has been an asshole to me since he saw his mom. He treated me like I'm some random bitch he met off the street. Won't open up to me and then he does this...
Andi: who told you he cheated
Fatima: it don't matter
Andi: no it does! I told you you have to be careful of your source. The last time you taught he fucked Karen and nothing even happened
Fatima: his mom. She's the source
Andi: girl you just told me that woman is always high! You can't believe what she says. Okay let's be reasonable here. Give me the details
Fatima: Andi look I'm exhausted. I want to cry myself to bed. I don't want to talk about this.
Andi: but there's no bed in here
Fatima: shit I know don't remind me. I have to call the movers tomorrow to bring the rest of my things
Andi: okay.
Fatima:you can leave now I'm good
Andi: no ma'am I'm not leaving. You want to cry yourself to sleep right? Okay let's do that together. I'm not leaving you like this
Fatima bursts out in uncontrollable tears
Fatima: (sniffs)you know what hurts the most. I was at the hospital with him and he told me to leave. I went back and he had his head on the bitch's chest
Andi: the one he slept with?
Fatima: yes and you know what the bitch called me? "The lil ance"
Andi: what ? And what did Zac say
Fatima: nothing. I've taken so much disrespect from this dude. I can't do it no more. I've given him so much I feel so empty like there's nothing to give anymore. Andi I went to jail for this nigga and he treats me like this??? I accepted all his baby mama drama. I thought he was different and that he had changed for me. That's the end. I'm done with anything that has to do with relationships
Andi: don't say that. I know you are hurt. But I'm sure you'll meet someone who will love you the way you want to be loved. This time it will be no drama, no jail time, no heartbreaks. Just something smooth. You'll find your person. A guy who makes you laugh, smile, takes care of you without asking him to. I'm sure you'll find him soon
Fatima:Andi Zac was everything I wanted in a man
Andi: mhhmmm was he? Or it's just the dick
Fatima: no Andi. The sex was great but I loved him. He was my person. You saw us, I'd do anything for that nigga. Anything! that's why it hurt so much that he'd do that to me. Andi I'm done. I'm tired of being treated like this by these dudes. When are they going to stop hurting us! When!!!!!
Andi: (hugs her tightly while crying with her) it's okay. Just let the tears out, let the anger out. I'm here with you
Fatima: I'm so embarrassed
Andi: no you don't have to be! We've all been through this. girl you've seen what I went through with Gary
Fatima: I feel like my heart is going to rip apart Andi.
Why does it feel like there's a knife in my chest. And anytime I remember him what he put me through it feels like the knife keeps turning. I was broken over Ian but this is different. I literally feel like he ripped my heart out of my chest. It hurts so much Andi
Andi: girl that's love. You love him
Fatima: why does it have to hurt so much! Why does this have to hurt so damn much.
Andi: it's okay!!! The pain will get better. Not right now . It will take sometime but it does get better
Fatima: I hope so. Cos I don't want to keep feeling like this
Andi: I know girl. I understand you. Let's go to my apartment. You can sleep there as long as you want and when your things are moved you can come back here okay? And you don't have to come to work. You can take the week off
Fatima: and do what ? Cry over this dude? No he doesn't deserve any of these tears. I'll be going to work tomorrow. Let's go to your apartment

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