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Fatima: I need to talk to you do you have a minute

Andi: Yh come in Whatsup

Fatima: (rehashes everything that happened last night)

Andi: ooh he said all that? Fatima Zac is not Ian

Fatima: I know..I know..I just can't get this triggers out of my head

Andi: he's already taking steps to help himself by seeing a therapist...I think you should do same

Fatima: I don't have any problems

Andi: girlllllll

Fatima: okay okay just a little but it's not that big of a deal

Andi: I think you need least to process all these triggers you've been having...knowing Zac if he didn't have sex with you then he was mad have to meet him half way...he cannot do all the heavy lifting it's going to drain him

Fatima: oh yes he was mad but that dick does not listen to the owner I see

Andi: what are you talking about

Fatima: girl he was so hard last night...and it was curved ...

Andi: no no no...I'm not listening to this.. get out of my office

Fatima; oh I forgot you were abstaining my bad

Andi: girl leave me alone

Fatima: one more's the abstinence going

Andi: one thing for toy is tired of me

Fatima: how are you abstaining when you are using toys

Andi: abstaining from men not orgasms lady parts needs to be serviced at all times to keep me sane from all these insane divorce arguments

Fatima: Yh girl I heard about court yesterday

Andi: I almost passed out from the things I witnessed...are you sure you want to be an attorney cos sissss

Fatima: oh I do want to be but not a family attorney...can't deal with none of this drama...

Andi: that's for sure

Zac's office
Bryce: have you seen Angela

Zac: bro don't drag me into this please...I have my own problems

Bryce: you know she's been ignoring me

Zac: yo hommie!!

Bryce: alright seem angry this morning

Zac: I'm good..sit down let's talk

Bryce: have you thought about the deal Valerie brought

Zac: yes but I already told you I don't have the money

Bryce: that's a good deal!

Zac: I know...but my money got tied in these baby mama stuff... we'll find another one

Bryce:we? You want to continue doing business with me ?

Zac: Yh I thought about it and we work well together. The company doesn't have to suffer because you kissed me

Nate and Tony entering: bro what???

Bryce: shit

Nate: yo man what you talking two be hitting it in here

Zac: noooo

Tony: we just heard you say you kissed

Zac: he kissed me.. I didn't kiss him

Bryce: I'm here

Zac: I know you are here..I'm not talking behind your back

Tony: Bryce man why did you do that

Bryce: well I thought he liked me

Nate: what???? Like you like like youuuuu? Shit y'all into some freaky shit here. I told you! You got a girl who ain't giving you no pussy you start acting up

Zac: Nate drop's getting old

Bryce: it was a mistake that will never happen again.. drop it guys

Zac: I hope so

Bryce: for real...still coming over tonight?

Zac: not tonight...I'll let you know

Tony: man your phone been ringing since we came in...Whatsup

Zac: I'm having a phone fast

Nate: yo cut the crap..might be one of the Zac attacks answer

Zac: it's Fatima

Tony: why you ain't answering her calls

Zac: none of your business

Nate: trouble in paradise

Zac: what are you two doing here anyway

Nate and tony: checking on's been a while

Zac: what's that look for

Tony: yo you haven't heard?

Zac: heard what ?

Nate: your mama!

Zac: what About her

Tony: oh shit we thought you knew

Zac: what the fuck y'all talking About

Nate: I'm sorry bro but she passed last night

Zac: (laughing) that's what Gladys been doing... pass out and wake up for some more drugs

Nate: she's dead bro...she relapsed

Tony: brother we are here for you

Zac: what do you mean she's dead

Tony: she died last night..we took her to the hospital but she was already dead..we've been trying to call you but clearly you ain't answering calls today since you are not even answering ole girl's calls

Zac: nigga what the fuck you telling me!

Tony: I'm sorry bro..we are here to console you

Zac: I don't need no consolation (sniffing) I want to be alone can you guys do that for me

Tony: Mann we are not leaving you like don't look good

Zac: I'm not asking..I'm telling you I want to be alone

Bryce:comes in

Zac: I said I wanted to be alone

Bryce: your brother is outside

Zac: what

All boys rush outside

Jeremiah had wrapped his mom's body and left it infront of Zac's office

Jeremiah: bury the bitch (walks away)

Tony: Jeremiah what the fuck is this!! You are sick bro! Get help

Zac stands  there staring at his moms body wrapped up in a cloth. With so much pain in his heart that there were no tears left. All he could do was scream

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