Another man a chance

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Andi: girl you were so mean to him! You should have at least heard him out
Fatima: andi! That man has a stronghold on me🥹if I was left alone with him I would have folded. I don't want him thinking I'm this weak lil bitch crying and hurting because of him
Andi: but you are hurting! Acting like you are okay is not going to make you heal friend
Fatima: andi I can't be crying at my workplace because of him. I'm good trust me. I'm fine (sniffs)
Andi: no girl you are not fine and I'm concerned.look the girls and I are hanging out tonight. Come let's have some drinks together. Talk about girl stuff and drink and maybe you might find Mr right 😉you know? Give another man a chance
Fatima: hell no! Andi im not having drinks with Karen
Andi: who mentioned Karen ?
Fatima: you said the girls and Karen is your girl! I'm done doing drama and entanglements
Andi: Karen is mad at me. She's not coming
Fatima: is it because of me ?
Andi: no no we have our own differences but she'll come around. I just want you to smile and get rid of the dark circles in your eyes. Say you'll come. Pleasseeeee
Fatima: I guesssss. Location and time?
Andi: I'll text it to you
Fatima: alright. I'm getting ready to go home I need to call the movers. You need anything
Andi: nah. I'm good go ahead. Text me if you need help with anything
Fatima: thank you andi. I really appreciate the help
Andi: of course! You are my girl and I love you
Fatima: love you too! Thank you!

At the parking lot
Paul: hey beautiful
Fatima: hi Paul. Whatsup
Paul: you tell me! Did you see dr reed
Fatima: oh don't remind me!
Paul: therapy didn't go as planned?
Fatima: you can say that
Paul: aww I'm so sorry to hear that !
Fatima: you don't look sorry though
Paul: I'm kidding. You know I'm not sorry. That guy doesn't know how to treat a good woman
Fatima: and you do?
Paul: I'll show you if you give me the chance
(Moves closer and touches her hair)
Fatima: listen paul. I'm not interested in you. I think you are a nice guy but I'm not ready right now. My emotions are all over the place
Paul: how long you want me to wait for you 😌
Fatima: no no I don't mean it that way. Look I love zac
Paul: I know. And I heard he cheated on you so Whatsup?
Fatima: wait what? Where did you get that from?
Paul: well you know....people talk. But that's not the point. I want to be your friend. To get to know you
Fatima: not right now Paul. I'm sorry I have to go
Paul: come on.... Just one drink with you. I promise and If you don't like it I'll be gone. I won't bother you ever again
Fatima: I'm sorry Paul but no
Paul: come on.. don't make me beg
Zac rushes to the parking lot and hits Paul
Fatima: Zac stop it! You two both stop. Zac what are you doing here???I told security to not let you in here
Zac: I saw this nigga pushing up on you
Fatima: what is your problem. We are not together! Don't you understand that. Leave me alone
Zac: we were engaged just yesterday Fatima what do you mean we are not together
Fatima: oh so now you remember we were engaged? Did you just wake up from some coma or you are just acting stupid. Did you remember we were engaged when you were fucking that bitch
Zac: I didn't do nothing with her
Fatima: I don't care. Just leave me alone.
Zac: Fatima you know you dont mean that
Paul: I think she does. Why don't you leave her alone to make her own decisions
Zac: nigga who the fuck is talking to you???
Paul: I didn't hit you back because I respect Fatima but you should watch who you hit next time
Zac: are you threatening me?
Fatima: enough! Paul I have your contact. I'll text you the details about tonight have a good night
Zac: no Fatima you gotta be kidding me
Fatima: listen, if I get in my car and you are still standing here I might commit murder. just so you know!
Zac: nigga she's talking to you! That's my girl, she don't play
Paul: I think she's talking to you
Zac: that woman loves me. She'll Never do anything to hurt me
Paul: bet?
Fatima drives the car swiftly almost hitting both Paul and Zac

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