Fishes in the sea

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At home
Fatima: well you are quiet
Zac: nah I'm good just watching you in the kitchen
Fatima: are you upset because I don't want to move in with you
Zac: nah nah I'm good.
Fatima: listen... you just started making money... I think you need your space to enjoy it
Zac: talking for me or you ?
Fatima: both of us.... Look I love living with you but I love my space too. This is the only way we can meet in the middle. You can spend some nights here if you want.
Zac: alright bet...
Fatima: well I made your favorite wanna come to the table and eat
Zac: Yh I'll be there in a minute...I need to make some phone calls

Next day
Angela: hi girl... well you look nice today

Fatima: thank you! You look nice too

Angela: soo did you see Paul last night?

Fatima: why would I see Paul... oh shit wait a minute... you gave him my address!! Angelaaaa!! You gotta stop this seriously

Angela: he said he had something important for you and I couldn't resist him. Besides you are single now so whatsup

Fatima: I'm not single Angela, I'm engaged
Angela: well I don't see no ring on your finger

Fatima: girl you really have to stop this. Seriously, I'm not playing with you

Angela: I'm just looking out for you.. this relationship is just messy... baby mamas, crazy exes and cheating anddd...weird family dynamics

Fatima: enough Angela enough! I don't question your choice in men so you have to respect my relationship

Angela: girl I'm just saying there are plenty fishes in the don't have to be in all this drama

Fatima: yet you chose a fish that likes dick..

Angela: Fatima... I'm just looking out for you... you don't have to throw Bryce's sexuality into my face like this

Fatima: look...I understand you are looking out for me and thank you for that but in as much as you may not be a fan of Zac, he's my man and I love him so you have to respect our relationship else we can not be friends

Angela: girl what??? You are letting this man come in between us???? We've been friends since middle school

Fatima: that man that you speak about with such disdain is my man and I'd appreciate if you accord him the same respect you accord me. I have a lot to do today so I'm headed to my office. See you later

Andi: hey have you filed the application for injunction for the benson case

Fatima: not yet. I'll finalize it today tho. Do you need it filed right now

Andi: it can wait it's not urgent

Fatima: alright great... I'll be in my office then

Andi: ummm what's going on with you... you don't want to to talk to me?

Fatima; andi I'm talking to you

Andi: girl stop playing you know what I mean... you've been avoiding me all day

Fatima: that is not my intention. I just have too much on my plate today

Andi: is it about Zac?

Fatima: no

Andi: your mom?

Fatima: no

Andi: girl what is it... do you want me to drag it out of you

Fatima: there's nothing to tell. I'm just abit overwhelmed that's all

Andi: are you having problems with Zac

Fatima: Andi what is this? Are you fishing for some tea for your girls?

Andi: Fatima that is not fair

Fatima: you asking me about Zac so you can keep his ex informed about our relationship is also not fair

Andi: I'd never do anything like that!

Fatima: Yh alright...

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