Stages of Grief

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Tony and Nate pick up the body and puts it in Tony's car

Tony: man you don't have to worry about this we will take it back to the hospital and schedule the funeral..when do you want the funeral?

Zac is to stunned to respond. He looks at them like he's lost in thoughts and says nothing

Bryce: umm he's not going to say anything right now...let's make it tomorrow guys...take her in I'll make some calls to put the funeral together

Nate: alright bless...we will keep in touch

Bryce holds Zac and takes him to his office...he looks like a ghost of himself

Bryce: should I get you some water, coffeee
No response

Bryce: okay should I call Fatima

No response
Bryce takes his phone about to call

Zac: (shakily) no no...don't call her

Bryce: do you want to go to the hospital? Talk to someone...maybe see your therapist
No response

Bryce: mannn I'm trying...I don't know how I can help you if you don't want me to call Fatima

Fatima walks in

Fatima: why doesn't he want you to call me

Bryce: his mom passed

Fatima:she passed by ?

Bryce: no she's dead...Jeremiah wrapped her body and brought it to Zac

Fatima: what????

Bryce: yhup...he won't talk to me... he won't talk to anyone...I don't know how to help him...I'm really glad you are here

Fatima: babe I'm so so sorry about your mom (starts crying)

No response

Bryce: told you he's not talking

Fatima: can you give us a minute

Bryce : sure

Fatima goes to sit by Zac who is is so stunned that he hasn't even blinked once since the incident

Fatima: I know you are mad at me and you probably don't want me here....but I want to help in anyway I can...

No response

Fatima holds him and starts crying silently...that was when the tears burst and Zac cried uncontrollably...never uttering a word. He cried so much that his body started to shake

Fatima: it's going to be okay( holding him as they cried together)

Funeral day

Angela: has he said anything

Fatima: nope... he hasn't spoken since that day

Angela: his brother is a bitch for doing that

Fatima: he's an animal...that needs to be chained

Andi: hey...I'm so sorry

Fatima; I know...have you seen Zac

Andi: I just spoke to him.. well I was the only one doing the talking..he just starred at me blankly

Fatima: yhup...not said a word since

Andi: have you called his therapist

Fatima: andi I don't want to see that bitch around him

Angela: well it's already too late...she just entered

Danni: Zac I'm so sorry...please accept my condolence
Zac nods and gives Danni a hug

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