Old shit over again

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At Zac's house. Door bell ringing
Zac: who's there

Fatima: it's Fatima

(Goes to open the door)
Fatima: hi

Zac: hi

Fatima: I left my key here

Attempts to kiss him but he swerves

Zac: cool...i'mma be upstairs

Fatima: are you mad ?

Zac: nah I'm good

Fatima: I'm sorry..I didn't see your text and calls..I left my phone in my car

Zac: that's Whatsup

Fatima: babe I said I'm sorry

Zac: Fatima..does my word mean anything to you

Fatima: umm

Zac: you can't even answer! Then what are we doing

Fatima: what do you mean by what are we doing

Zac: you clearly do not trust me so what are we doing

Fatima: I was just triggered at the bar that's all

Zac : triggered by what? Me?

Fatima: no not you

Zac: then who

Fatima: no it's fine

Zac: alright bet

Fatima: you don't have to be like this...it was just a lil miscommunication

Zac: you asked me to loose your number Fatima...you said I was full of shit... infront of my therapist when I'm trying so hard to get over all the constant insults I've been hearing from my mom and these other women...how I'm I supposed to get better when I keep doing the old shit over and over again

Fatima: what do you mean old shit over again

Zac: dating the same type of women

Fatima: no no no...we are not going to do that...you cannot compare me to your exes...I'm nothing like them

Zac: yeah a more refined version of them I presume...look I don't want to argue with you...if you want to spend the night here...I'll sleep on the couch..if not I'm going to bed

Fatima: sorry what? ??

Zac: you heard me. Are you staying or not? I need to sleep I have a long day tomorrow

Fatima: I'm staying

Zac: alright bet. Proceeds to take 2 pillows and a blanket and goes to lay on the couch

Phone ringing
Angela: you alright? Checking in

Fatima: girl he's mad mad

Angela: of course he would be...I'd be mad too!

Fatima: I don't know what to do

Angela: consult Roxy

Fatima: girl...

Angela: oh I have a visitor..bye girl

Fatima: Angela I thought you had some ideas

Angela : sis the man I liked likes dick too I'm no expert

Fatima: so why did you call me

Angela: I was hoping you'd be deep throating and thrusting by now so I can get the confidence to fuck this new boo

Fatima: how would you know if I was deep throating and thrusting

Angela: cos bitch you wouldn't have answered my call...I'm about to get some bye

Fatima: I'm sick of you 😂😂😂

Angela: me too..drop it one time for me bye girl!

Goes down stairs to kneel infront of Zac and starts pulling down his boxers
Zac: hey hey what are you doing

Fatima: we were supposed to have a good time tonight...let's not ruin it

Zac:I'm not in the mood

Fatima: well looks like you are ready to go for me
(Looks at his dick standing at full attention and starts massaging it...he takes her hands off him)

Zac: it's like that because you are around..I don't care if I sleep with blue balls I'm not doing nothing with you

Fatima:(sits on top of him and starts straddling him) come on  babe ...you know you want me

Zac: I always want you but I'm not doing nothing with you..please get off me

Fatima: you are not serious

Zac: Fatima get off me...I'm not saying it again

Fatima stands abruptly

Fatima: you don't want to have sex? Did she give you some at the bar

Zac:what??are you for real right now?? No accountability on your part!! Stop insulting me please...every other day you never want to have sex and then today you are pouncing on me..what for? Are you checking me..go ahead check what you want to check...I'm not having this conversation with you.. good night

Fatima: babe I said I was sorry

Zac: good night Fatima

Fatima: really? All the times I've forgiven you...

Zac: trying to guilt trip me? Not working..all the times you claim you've forgiven me majority of the time you was wrong too..but you never want to take accountability

Fatima: well I said I was sorry

Zac: by trying to fuck me ?

Fatima: well that's what you do on a daily basis

Zac: I have sex with you because I want and love you...you are trying to have sex with me because you don't want to admit you are wrong...two different things...you know what come close

Fatima: what ?

Zac:come closer (she goes close and he inserts a finger in her Pussy and takes it out immediately)

Fatima: what are you doing

Zac: (shows her the dry finger )you not even wet...

Fatima: babeee

Zac:go to bed please..this conversation is over

Fatima: wow Isee

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