Chapter One: True Love

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Futaba asked me to come upstairs. I wonder why... She crouches on the edge of my bed.

"What's up?"

"I've been feeling... kinda weird lately... My heart's been beating real fast when we're together..." Wait... There's no way...

"Then even when we're apart, I can't stop thinking about you..." I put my hand to her forehead, just to be sure.

"Are you ok, Futaba?" She hangs her head low.

"Not at all... More like NO-kay. But then again, I feel good too... By the way, can I ask you a favor? It's a pretty big one." I tilt my head, confused.

"... Can we skip that last promise?"

I nod, sighing, "If you want."

A smile lights up her face... I love that smile... "Oh, good. Thanks for not getting mad at me... I just... Can't be ok without you around. Life doesn't feel the same when you're not with me..." Her face starts to go red.

"I mean, er... not that, but... I dunno... Akira... You're always so nice to me, kinda like Sojiro is... That makes sense for him though. I mean, he's basically my dad. But you don't have a reason like that, so... why are you so nice?" She sits up a little straighter, "O-Oh, I just thought of a possibility... Am I, um... the only one you treat like this?"

I need to choose my words carefully.

"Why, Akira?" I take a deep breath and stand up.

"Because I love you." Her eyes go wide with shock.

"W-What?" She jumps up off my bed. "L-L-L-L-L...?!?!" I think I broke her. She takes a step back, and I fear the worst.

"M-my heart feels like it's gonna burst outta my body... I think I'm gonna dieee..." Her face returns to this look of curiosity that I had grown to adore. "Is this feeling... Love? I've always heard it's the most intense joy in the world..." She starts to blush again. "So I guess... I love you!" Before I can get a word out, she jumps on with another question.

"Th-Then does that mean...You're my boyfriend?! And I'm... Your girlfriend?!"

I take a step closer. "If that's ok with you..." She stands there in stunned silence. "Hello? Are you ok?" ... Still silent... "Earth to Futaba?" I take a step forward and she looks up.

"Ah! That was so surprising... But I think... I understand... You I love, B-Boyfriend!" She slowly moves forward and puts her arms around me. I hug back, patting her head, which slowly turns into stroking her hair.

"How do you feel?" She looks up at me and I see what my head pats have done. Her face is beet red. She hugs tighter.

"This is... the superboss of my life... But I can do it!" She hops up and pecks my cheek before rushing downstairs.

I'm in a relationship with Futaba... There's no going back now.


I'm in Futaba's room. She asked me here for some kind of training, but I'm not sure just what kind yet. It's been about two weeks since she and I became official, and we hadn't told any of our teammates just yet. She was still a little uncomfortable with being physical, stuff like head pats drove her nuts and she had only kissed me the once.

She suddenly stands up and starts talking.

"S-so, remember how that last promise was to be ok without you? W-well, now that we're... t-together, I thought instead of training myself to be away from you... I want the right to not have to leave you." I cock my head, confused. She slowly twiddles her fingers

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now