Chapter Eleven - Explain

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I walk to the train station, hoping to catch Ann. I need an explanation. I see her getting on a train to Hometown, and try to push through the crowd to her.

"ANN!! WAIT PLEASE!!" She looks at me and turns away sadly. The doors close a moment too soon. I pound on the doors. "DAMMIT ANN! TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!!" The train starts moving, and a guard pushes me back.

"Please step away from the train, miss." Before I can ask when the next train comes, the guard is gone. I sigh, waiting for the next train to Hometown. As I finally hear the train start to come into the station I feel something on my back. Two hands, pushing me.

I scream as I fall onto the tracks, the train barrelling toward me. I close my eyes and... Nothing.

I open my eyes and look around. Most of the people are gone, the few that remain walking about sluggishly on red cobblestones, black energy spewing from their feet. I look down at myself, seeing the black and green of my Oracle outfit.

"Mementos?" I wander about, avoiding interactions with any Shadows. I try to get back to Leblanc, looking around for Sojiro. A couple customers in the restaurant spew the black energy, but Sojiro is nowhere to be seen. Thank goodness. I walk upstairs, wondering if anything has changed in Akira's room. And boy was I right.

Before me stands a door, shimmering blue on the bed, chains spreading from it and fading into nothingness. I open the door and take a step inside, and fall.

When I open my eyes, I'm in the Velvet Room, Igor and Lavenza nowhere to be seen. I walk out of the cell I had landed in and look around. On the desk are three scrolls of parchment, each one made out to me.

I sit in the desk chair and slowly open the first scroll.

I wish I had the courage to say this to you in person, but I can't. So I'll write these letters to you. Even though you'll never see them, it makes me feel just a bit better. Morgana says I'm a coward for not telling you how I feel again, that if I really love you, I would tell you, regardless of what might happen next. But I don't want to lose you. I'm scared that if I confess, you won't feel the same as before, and I'll lose you forever. The more I think about it, the more I think Mona might be right. I am a coward. And I'm sorry I can never say this to your face...

You're my Key Item too.

Love? LOVE? And what does he mean, Tell me how he feels AGAIN? I almost get up and leave, but I need to know what he's talking about. I reach for the next scroll, and unseal the wax.

I saved someone today. It was strange, she looked just a bit like you. I stopped her bully, and it felt good. Like I was a Phantom Thief again. I even found a way into Mementos to change the guy's heart, but I didn't tell Ryuji about it. I want him to help his leg get better, not go flouncing through Mementos with me.

Ryuji and I have been doing really well. Our classes have been easy, since they're behind Shujin. I even get to keep Morgana in the room. The class loves him.

It hurts not having you here. Every morning, just for a moment, I forget that you're not here, and I reach for your hand. I hope one day you remember what we had. Until then, my love.


I close my eyes, and remember this morning, when I woke up. I had reached for something next to me. Could it have been his hand? Or is this all just some delusion he's had thanks to Maruki? I need to know more. I unseal the last scroll.

It took a while, but I finally did it. I stopped listening to our song. I knew it was bad of me to listen to it, that it wasn't helping me heal at all. I've got Ryuji and Morgana to thank for that. I still miss you every day. I don't know if I'll ever get over you...

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now