Chapter Ten - Dream or Memory

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I sit straight up in bed, sweating profusely, reaching to the side for... What am I reaching for? I had acted as though there was someone next to me in bed... how odd... But that could wait! I had to write this stuff down!

I hit my spinny chair, and start up a music program, pushing out music like wildfire, the melody in my dream ringing through my mind as clear as a memory. I finally finish my work about an hour later and call Ann.

"Mmmmmmmmm...... Hey Futaaaaba." Ann yawns through my name.

"Hey, I'm sorry to wake you up so early but I need you to come over to Sojiro's place right now!" Ann's voice is suddenly attentive.

"Why? What is it?! Are you ok? Is there someone there!?"

"Nononono I'm fine... I just need you to do something really important for me."

"Well, I don't have plans until later... I'm supposed to visit Ryuji and Akira in Hometown. I'll be right over."

It had been a month since he had left. I had started to wonder if he had forgotten me. That thought hurt so badly. I sigh and wait for the bell to ring. I walk out and open the door, Ann there and ready, a red sundress flowing to just above her ankles.

"So, what's up?" I grab her arm and pull her into my room, slamming the door shut, and handing her a piece of paper.

"I need you to sing this." Ann's eyes skim over the paper, and she smiles sadly.

"Of... Of course... I'll do my best." I hit play on the track and the music from my dream begins to play, exactly as I remember it. I suddenly realize Ann has no clue when to come in, but it's too late. I move to restart the track, when her voice pierces the room.

The notes are sharp and crisp, flowing perfectly in tandem with the music. I watch in awe as she sets down the sheet music and continues singing, not even needing to see what she's doing. I close my eyes, and as she sings, I can almost see the face from my dream again. Blurry, but not quite unfamiliar. The music ends, and I look back up at Ann, about to say something peppy, when I see the tear tracks on her face.

"Ann... What's wrong? Are you ok?" She pulls me in for a hug, squeezing tightly.

"I'm so sorry... It's not fair..." She mumbles a name into my shoulder, and I slowly put my arms around her.

"I'm sorry... I just had a dream, and I wanted to remember it. Your singing is beautiful." Ann releases me, and staggers to the door.

"I can't... I can't do this, I'm sorry. I have to go!" She starts to run away.

"ANN! WAIT!" I sigh. She's already gone. "What is going on? No one will tell me anything..." I sigh and walk back to my computer, and try to think of a good name. It finally dawns on me. I type it out and hit save, only to get an alert.

A file with the name 'Aria of the Soul' already exists. Would you like to preview this song?

Another file with the same name? I open it on a separate tab. And it was imported to the hard drive... early January? I open the file and hit play. The exact same notes begin to play as the song I just wrote. Then Ann's voice begins to sing, the notes hitting beautifully. There was a reason she didn't need the sheet music. She had already sung it once before.


I swing open the door of Leblanc, not a customer in sight. I sprint upstairs and sit on the couch, tears still streaming down my face. Boss was up only a moment or two later.

"Ann! What's wrong? Are you ok?" He sits next to me, handing me a handkerchief. I blow my nose into it, sniffling.

"It's Futaba... She called me this morning to come over and sing something for her. She had a dream last night and rewrote the music for it..." Sojiro smiles.

"Yeah, I heard her humming this morning when I left for work. But why is that a cause for crying?" I wrap my arms around the old timer, needing someone to hold on to.

"She dreamed about the Aria!! She dreamed about it last night. She remembered the song he wrote for her but doesn't even remember him giving it to her." Sojiro's hand goes to his mouth.

"Oh god... I had no idea this could happen. Ann I-"

"I-It's fine... I'll be fine. Thanks for checking on me." I wipe my eyes, hiccuping. "I'll be going now... Have a good one, Boss." I walk back downstairs, and start toward the station, wiping my eyes. I would be strong for Akira.

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now