Chapter Twenty Two - Final Explosion

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I walk through the portal Akira created, gripping his shoulder. So long as I hold onto him, I can see and hear what happens in the real world, even if people can't see me. I'm shocked to find that my outfit changes to that of the Ace Detective. Akira walks us to Crossroads Bar. A large woman is standing behind the counter, crying, a smaller woman rubbing her back and comforting her.

"She got away, don't worry..." Akira walks up to the bar, dragging me with him.

"Lala, Ichiko? What's wrong?" She jumps, swearing in a very masculine voice before switching to a feminine one. Drag.

"Oh Akira, thank god you're here! Have you seen your girlfriend since last night?!" He shakes his head.

"No, I came hoping you had seen her." Ichiko nods as Lala falls back into sobs.

"She was here, but she almost got taken away by Tsukasa and his men. She would have been, if I hadn't stopped them. She was running away, but I didn't see where to."

Akira smiles and pats Lala's shoulder. "It's alright, Lala, Futaba escaped into the Metaverse." The large... Woman? starts breathing easier.

"Oh thank god... I was so worried... Are you going in to get her?" He nods and smiles at the two people.

"Thanks for your help. Have a good one." He snaps his fingers and I smile as my Black outfit returns, the two ladies gasping, fading away into the background. I remove my hand from his shoulder, and Ann walks over, holding out a cell phone.

"I found this on the ground outside some club." He nods, unlocking the phone. The background is a photo of Akira and Futaba kissing. He checks her texts, and lo and behold.

"So, she was trying to get a distress signal out to you. She must have dropped it when she shifted." Joker nods, his mask hiding what he's really thinking. He suddenly splays his hands, Igor and Lavenza appearing.

"How may we be of assistance, Trickster?" Akira smiles, and addresses his Personas.

"I need to find a Palace right around here somewhere. We think Futaba fell into it by accident." Igor and Lavenza nod, a bright light shining from their bodies, and they look around. Out of nowhere, they scream, a terrifying sound, and they disappear back into Joker's Palm. I look up, and gasp.


From the building comes a bright pink glow, the area surrounded by women, nude, and trapped in strange devices, which seem to be automatically performing sexual actions against them as they scream. I feel my breakfast coming up, and I puke all over the ground, Ryuji patting my back.

"This place... It's so much worse than Kamoshida's Palace..." I wipe my mouth, and stand. Sumire inches closer to Yusuke, holding onto his arm. Even Yusuke looks horrified.

"I had heard stories of Kamoshida's but this place goes far beyond anything I could have imagined..." Yusuke holds Sumire tight, keeping her face buried in his chest.

"This place is vile..." Haru whispers, holding onto Makoto, who is petting her hair, a stern look on her face.

I try to not look, instead focusing on Akechi. I gasp as his Persona, Hereward, appears, and he waves his hand, a powerful Almighty blast firing from Hereward's bow, destroying the women and the machines. He scowls, pure fury written on his face.

"Such horrors have no business existing. Let us enter the Palace. We need to find Oracle and steal the treasure." He starts walking, and the rest of us follow suit. I still hold on to Ryuji's hand, whimpering as we pass through the doors, and enter a hall full of more women's screams and moans.

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now