Chapter Twenty Three - The Ultimate in Strength

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I lay on my back in the void. Not a dark one, but one that is bright white.

Why is this happening? Is this my punishment? For thinking I was the one who could save her? For thinking I was some kind of hero? For thinking I was strong enough, even though I'm not?

Tears start to roll down my face, falling into the emptiness.

"Are you giving up?"

I don't bother to dignify the voice with an answer. Especially not that voice.

"Are you giving up?" I sigh, really thinking about it.

"No. I'm facing Reality." The voice chuckles, a sound I know all too well.

"Then you are giving up. To the power of a monster you once defied."

I sit up in the void and look around. No one and nothing.

"What choice do I have? I'm just a kid, and he's indestructible. Far more indestructible than you ever were." I slump, my face in my hands. I hear footsteps.

"Then our battle was, what? A joke? Do you remember how you showed me the power of the human will was superior to any magic? How you showed me the possibilities for the future?" I look up, Maruki's face fading into darkness.

"Get up, Joker. GET UP!!"


The Palace begins to rumble, and Futaba pushes Tsukasa away, Igor and Lavenza appearing from nowhere. Futaba whispers to the room,

"It's like the Palace, no, even the outside world is shaking from some kind of Influx of power! What could it be?" Ryuji grins, looking around at his friends.

"Well, if you ask me, there's only one good answer!"

Yusuke smiles, nonchalant. "Yes I agree. Time for the real fun to begin." Igor chuckles, his grin going even wider, while Lavenza looks around, fearful.

"Igor my Lord, is there something you wish to say?" The large man closes his eyes, and whispers.

"Here it comes."

With a flash of blinding light, the chains holding the Phantom Thieves shatter, dropping them to the floor, while at the same time pushing Tsukasa into the corner of the room. As the light slowly dims, Akira steps forward, his face grim, and filled with rage, his eyes pupil-less, his face maskless, covered in blood, his body radiating red and black energy, the aura shining light into even the darkest crevices.

Futaba watches as he almost starts forward, but stops himself, closing his eyes. When they open again, his eyes are no longer that of his Berserker form, but intelligent and bright yellow.

"Now you can finally see... my all!!" Joker walks forward, his eyes full of rage. "You hurt Futaba. You hurt my friends... and anyone... who wants to hurt my friends... IS GONNA PAAAAY!!!" Akira vanishes, appearing right in front of Tsukasa to grab his body and throw him straight up, forcing him through the ceiling, and back to the main floor of the Palace, Akira simply jumping, his body cleaving through the stone. As the others start to run up the stairs, Akira begins to absolutely demolish Tsukasa, teleporting all over the arena, smacking him in every direction, firing beams of energy that carve through Tsukasa's body like a warm knife through butter.


I return to the ground at the same time as Tsukasa, the man staggering to his feet, slowly reforming back into himself. The others push open the door to the dungeon, and I grimace. I didn't want them to see this.

"Don't you get it? You would have to destroy every speck of me. Every atom of my being!! And you can't!! Not even your little friend's sacrificial blast could do it." I can feel myself starting to slide back into Berserk. I have to finish it now.

"True. Myriad Truths." The orb of light appears in my hand, and starts to burn me as I hold onto it. "But there is one last thing you should know about me, Tsukasa. Myriad Truths." Another orb appears in my other hand, and I begin to push them together, the light changing from a pale white to a dangerous orange. I set my hands in front of me. One last attack. "I don't ever lose. FIIIIINAAAAL FAAAAAAACTS!!!"


The Beam that fires from his hands could be compared to an Atomic Bomb, just in one direction. Tsukasa never even gets the chance to scream, as his entire body is instantly vaporized. I watch as the blast dissipates, what's left of the Palace beginning to crumble around up I grab Akira's hand as he runs over, and he snaps his fingers, and as the ground starts to collapse beneath our feet... they settle once again on the red cobblestone of Shinjuku's Mementos.

Akira releases my hand, gripping his head, his eyes fading to blank whites. "Nooo... I don't... want to hurt anyone... I have to... I have to control it..." Suddenly, two orbs appear in his hands, and he pushes them together, bringing his hands up to his face.

"KIRA N-" He screams, and the blast engulfs Akira's face. He collapses to the ground, his face somehow intact.

"NOOOO!!" For some reason Lavenza is there before me, cradling his head in her lap. "Nonono I'm sorry... It's all my fault... Oh god..."

I grip my head, suddenly remembering things. The day I confessed, the day we told the others about us, and... the day I told him I never wanted to be apart. 

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now