Chapter Eighteen - Caretaker

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I grimace as Futaba cleans my wounds, the painkillers barely working. She rewraps the bandages around my body, helping me get dressed for the day. Once I'm in my spare Uniform, Futaba wheels me to the train station, getting to use a special spot on the train.

As we walk into Shujin, people gawk and make way for us. Then we see the issue. There are no elevators in Shujin.

"Here, Ms. Sakura, let us help." Sadayo Kawakami takes one side of the chair, Sumire takes the other side and Ann takes the front, beginning to carry me up the stairs.

"Thanks, guys. I'm sorry about this." Ms. Kawakami shakes her head, grinning.

"Don't worry about it. You've helped each and every one of us here, it's only right that we start to pay you back, just a little bit." We reach the second floor and continue on to the third, the students looking in awe at the teacher helping carry the delinquent transfer student up the stairs. When we reach the third floor, they set me down, Futaba rolling me to Kawakami's classroom.

"So what happened, if you don't mind me asking? Was it work for you-know-what?" I shake my head.

"No, nothing like that. I got mugged... and shot." Mrs. Kawakami stumbles and almost falls to the ground.

"WHAT!!?? Why in the twelve hells are you here, then?!" I sigh, shaking my head.

"I've been through worse. Honestly, I'll be fine. Just a few days in the chair and a few days keeping away from you-know-what. Please, Sadayo, don't make a big deal out of this." She turns to Futaba, pulling a slip of paper from her pocket.

"Fine, if you insist on being here, you can take this, Futaba." She hands 'Taba the slip of paper, smiling. "This will get you out of class early so you can take him to his next class. And as for you," She points at me. "If you hurt yourself trying to do something strenuous, I will end you myself." I hold my hands up in the air, wincing and putting them down.

"Yes ma'am. Why is everyone treating me like I'm a twig and not the strongest person in the school?" Futaba leans in and kisses my cheek.

"Because right now, you are a twig. A very breakable twig. And this twig is going to do exactly as we say. Doc's orders." I sigh and have to admit to myself that it is very fun to be wheeled around.


It's been four days since I started being taken care of by Futaba and it's clear that taking care of me constantly has been taking its toll on her. Her hair is messy, her eyes are tired, and her voice is raspy. Fortunately, we're on our way to Tae's to have my stitches removed. I'll be able to walk around and finally start reciprocating. Despite her protests, I walk up the stairs to her office very slowly and carefully, not willing to make her and Sojiro carry me. I sit back in the chair as we walk into the office. Tae quickly walks out, marching me into the examination room.

"So, how are we feeling today?" I smile, patting my chest.

"Much better, but I feel bad for making Futaba do all that for me. She's exhausted." Tae nods as I pull off my shirt, the once again healing wounds no longer red or painful at all.

"Well, you can start doing what you want, but still no Metaverse for a couple weeks. Maybe you should treat her tomorrow to a breakfast in bed, just sort of pamper her all day. I'm sure she would appreciate that." I smile, nodding.

"That's a really good idea... Maybe I can get Sojiro to help me out..." I think about what I should do tomorrow as Tae removes the last of my stitches.

"Alright, that's you all done. Just don't do anything strenuous, ok?" I nod again, and hand her the money from my operation. "Thanks. Just do me a favor and try to not end up in my clinic for a couple weeks, okay?"

"I'll do my best, Doc. Thanks again for everything." She smiles and waves as I exit the exam room.

"Look at you, walking around." Sojiro grins at me, and Futaba tries to smile, but ends up yawning instead. I walk over and pick her up in a bridal carry, her weight barely registering to my muscles and she falls asleep almost immediately. Sojiro sighs and walks down the stairs with me. "And here I was gonna have a party to celebrate. Oh well. Just get her home, I guess. I've got to look after the shop for a while." I nod and we part ways.

Once inside the house, I slowly get Futaba changed into night clothes, and lay her down in bed. I start to leave the room, when I feel a tugging on my sleeve. A groggy Futaba pulls me closer muttering sleepily,

"Please stay with me..." I smile and change into my own night clothes, settling into bed next to her.

"Thank you, 'Taba, for everything. I love you." But she was already asleep.

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now