Chapter Thirteen - Reunion

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I wake up next to Ryuji, my arms around his bare torso. I yawn and slide slowly out from under the blankets, the air conditioned room suddenly feeling incredibly cold against my naked body. I look around and find my clothes neatly folded in the corner. I make note of it, and hop into the attached bathroom for a quick shower.

I sigh as the warm water hits my body, running my fingers through my hair. I suddenly hear a knock on the door.

"Honey? Is that you?" I smile and call back affirmation. Ryuji walks into the bathroom, and brushes his teeth, still buck naked, same as me. "Didjou shleep okay?" He asks through a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Yeah, I was extra tired last night. I can't imagine why though." I giggle near the end of that, barely holding my composure.

Ryuji laughs as well. "Yeah I can't imagine. Anyway, I have dibs on the shower after you." I blush softly as I whisper,

"Join me?"


I sit on a bench at the train station, my box of stuff repacked, and Morgana in my bag.

"Where are Ryuji and Ann?" Mom looks around, a worried expression on her face. I suddenly hear a girl's voice in my head.

"Do not worry, I have been with them, transporting them here through Mementos. It's much faster that way. We will arrive soon." I smile in relief.

"Don't worry, Mom, they'll be here soon. Lavenza is with them." Mom and Morgana sigh, and mere moments later, Ryuji and Ann fade into existence, the shimmer of their Phantom Thief attire fading into oblivion. Mom watches in awe, shocked that no one else is seeing this.

"Yo! Sorry we're late, Ann wanted to make sure her hair was juuuuust right." She smacks his arm, blushing a little.

"No problem. Just glad Lavenza got you here safe! The train is gonna leave in a couple minutes." I walk up to Ryuji, and pull him in for a bro hug. "I'll miss you, man..."

"Then make sure you visit, okay?" I laugh, giving him a noogie.

"I promise!"


"Then make sure you come visit, okay?" Akira laughs and noogies Ryuji, making me laugh.

"I promise."

I'm up next. I walk up to my boyfriend, and wrap my arms around his neck, while he wraps his around my waist.

"I'll visit soon, okay? I love you... more than anything." Ryuji brings one hand up to the back of my neck, and whispers in my ear,

"I look forward to it, and next time," His voice goes low and gravely in my ear, "I'm on top." I start to blush heavily as he kisses me, a soft, gentle thing compared to his words. When we finally separate, he whispers again, "I love you, my little Kitten." I blush again, grabbing Akira by the arm and dragging him to the train so he can't see my face. We sit side by side, and I cover my face with my hands. Akira leans over and mutters quietly,

"Did he really fuck you that well?"


"Did he really fuck you that well?" Ann spins and stares at me, bewildered.

"How... the fuck did you know about that?" The train starts to move, and is soon zipping along the tracks. I laugh, covering my mouth with my hand.

"Sorry, but when you take in how much you were blushing yesterday, and today when he was whispering to you, AS WELL as the fact that he hadn't seen you in a month, I figured it would totally happen. Did you have fun?" Ann is now blushing furiously again, and leans back in her seat.

"I-I'm not talking to you about that! But in short, yes, he was wonderful... You dick..." She doesn't say a word to me for the rest of the ride, falling asleep after about 20 minutes, and I soon follow.


I'm sitting in Akira's old room when I hear a jingle of the bell to the shop, and a jovial hello from Sojiro. Must be a regular. I had slept in his bed last night, hoping it might spark a dream. And lo and behold, it did. I had dreamt about the foggy man- no... Akira, carrying me to Leblanc and giving me a nightgown, which I found that morning in a drawer. He laid down with me and we went to sleep in each other's arms. I felt so happy.

I sigh and close my eyes, hugging the pillow. I hear someone sit next to me, but I don't open my eyes. "Hey Sojiro... Who was that downstairs?" A very different voice answers.

"Take a guess." My eyes fly open, and I turn. There he is, shiny glasses, messy hair, and that beautiful smile. My Akira.

The moment I see him, my arms are around him, and his around me. I look up at him, "I missed you." He smiles again, the gorgeous smile I know so well.

"I missed you so much... But now I'm back. For good, okay?" I smile, and, feeling brave, sit in his lap, our foreheads together.

"Don't ever leave me, okay?" He smiles again, chuckling.

"I promise."

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now