Chapter Fourteen - Teacher

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After celebrating my return with Sojiro and Futaba, they both head home, while I remain at Leblanc, as usual. My life is back on track.

Trickster? May I speak to you? I sit up in bed, only wearing a pair of shorts, and open my palm, a shimmering light bursting forth to reveal Lavenza. As she looks me up and down, her face slowly grows red.

"T-Trickster? Why are you not wearing a shirt?" I quickly throw one on, and look back at her.

"Sorry about that. I wasn't thinking. What's up?" Lavenza walks over to the bed and sits down next to me.

"Back when I was Caroline and Justine, you spent time trying to teach them about humanity. About people, and what they do. I was hoping you might continue these lessons with me. I am quite curious about certain aspects of humans. Will you teach me?" I smile.

"Of course. I'd be happy to. What would you like to learn about?" Lavenza looks down at her hands for some time, thinking.

"I would like you to teach me about love. I have read about it in your books, and I have witnessed love between Ryuji and Ann, as well as... yourself and Futaba... but I still do not understand. What is love? And what is the point of it?" I sit back. This is a difficult question to answer in a way she would understand.

"Well... Love is kind of like trust. And you can love lots of people. I love Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Morgana- I love every member of the Phantom Thieves. I trust them with my life. But that's only one kind of love."

"There are other kinds of love? I suppose that makes sense. What you have described does not sound the same as what I have seen between you and Futaba."

"That's right. That's what I call Friend-Love. The next kind is Thing-Love. That is where ascribe feelings of love to objects, or actions, maybe even places. For example, I love Curry, and coffee, and I love Leblanc. Does that make sense?" Lavenza furrows her eyebrows.

"Well... then I could say that I love the Velvet Room... or that I love Fusing Personas... is that right?" I smile, nodding.

"Exactly. Those are things and places you enjoy! There are two more kinds of love. Ready?" She nods once more. "The next kind is Family-Love. These are people you care about a lot, usually related by blood, like me with my parents, or Futaba with Sojiro. That kind of love is tricky because it can be very fragile or very strong, depending on how well you get along with your family. Can you think of an example of that in your life?" She frowns once more.

"Well... Igor created me, and I trust him dearly... but I don't know that I would call him my father... I suppose something closer would be Morgana... he is my brother after all, and I care for him dearly." I nod again.

"Very good. The last kind of love is the hardest one of all, but also the most precious. This is True-Love. That is the kind of love Ryuji and Ann have, and the kind Futaba and I used to have, and are building back up again. This is the love you have for someone very very special. Someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, as their partner. We call such a pairing a Couple. A couple should always be partnered with feelings of romance." Lavenza frowns again.

"How do you know when you have a romantic feeling for someone? Do you just know? Or are there certain signs that you can follow?" I frown again, trying to remember how I felt when I first realized I was in love with Futaba.

"Well... I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach, fluttering around, making me feel all giddy. I was nervous to talk to her. Every time I saw her, my throat would get all tight, and it would feel like I would die if I spoke to her. That... That was how I realized I was in love with Futaba." I turn to Lavenza and I can see she is crying. "What's wrong?"

"Th-that sounds wonderful. I suppose it must be wonderful, knowing that you love someone so easily... My face... I'm... Crying? I don't understand..." I rub her back.

"That's another human thing. We might not know why we feel certain ways, just that we do... and that's ok." We sit there for another ten minutes, as Lavenza slowly regains control of her eyes.

"Thank you for today's lesson. It was most instructive. Goodbye." With a shimmer of white light, Lavenza is gone. I sigh, and lay back, my thoughts once more turning to my lesson. Why had she wanted to learn such things? And why did she cry? I sigh, and slowly fall asleep.

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now