Chapter Eight: The Aria

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(Just play the song right away. Might as well.)

I sit down on Futaba's bed, waiting for her to come back, practically bouncing. I had been working on this song for almost a month now, trying to get it just right, Ann and Yusuke even pitching in.

I hear the front door open, Futaba and Sojiro laughing. They had gone to see a movie in Shibuya, while Ann and I had our final recording session. The song was done and ready for her to hear.

Futaba walks in and jumps. "Jeez, 'Kira. You can't startle me like that." She slides onto the bed next to me. "What's up?"

I pull out the thumbdrive. "Would you listen to this?" She smiles and nods, plugging it and our headphone jacks into the PC. The music player pops up, showing a drawing of Futaba in her normal form while I'm in my Joker form, holding her in a bridal carry. She leans in closer.

 She leans in closer

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"Inari... That IS pretty cute. Alright, you ready?" I nod, and she pushes play, hopping back in bed, and laying across my lap. Aria of the Soul begins to play, and she smiles. Then Ann's voice begins singing, and she fully grins. "Beautiful..."

Once the song ends, it begins again, smoothly connecting to the start, and she looks confused.

"Was that not the end?" I pull her up and take off my headphones.

"It was... but it was also the beginning. That's what this song is about." She cocks her head, confused.

"This song can loop forever, and that's because it's just like love. It's a cycle. The more you give, the more you get, and vice versa." Futaba sits up fully, and very slowly places herself in my lap, facing me, her breathing shaky. She had never been this closely intimate with me before.

"Your song is so pretty..." Her arms slide around my torso, "Was that Ann singing? I didn't know she could." I smile as she furrows her face in my neck, her breathing slowly evening out. I wrap my arms around her, holding her close. My darling...

"I love you... And I hope you think of me when you hear it..." She sighs, her body relaxing.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I blink in surprise, then grin.

"Of course." I run my arm under her legs, and pick her up in a bridal carry, just like the photo. Futaba's face goes red instantly and she hides it in my chest.

"'Kira! This is embarrassiiiiiing..."

"Do you want me to put you down?" She doesn't speak for a minute.

"...No..." I smile again and walk toward the front door at the same time as Sojiro.

"Oh... Hey kids... Are you... uh... heading home then?" I nod my affirmation. He just sighs and opens the door for me. "Don't do anything stupid, alright?"

"Promise, Boss. I'll take good care of her." I start the short walk to Leblanc, Futaba in my arms.

"That was so embarrassing... But I'm glad he didn't stop us."

We reach Leblanc and I somehow open the door without putting her down. I carry Futaba upstairs and she sighs as I set her down on my bed.

"I wanted to give you this..." I pull out a silk nightgown, a gentle shade of pink. I toss it to her and turn away, Morgana having the good sense to do the same.

"Okay, I'm ready." I turn around and my breath catches. Never before had I seen such beauty. Her cheeks match the pink of the nightgown, and she looks down at the ground, embarrassed again. Morgana trots down the stairs to give us privacy.

I cross the room in two strides, placing my finger under her chin, lifting her head so our eyes meet. "You look beautiful as always." I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, earning another blush. I cross to the bed and lay down, never breaking eye contact. "Care to join me?" She smiles again, and lays down next to me, her arms around me.

"Let's make like a log and sleep." I nod, and flip the lightswitch by my bed, plunging us into darkness.

"Futaba?" Her hands cup my cheeks, our foreheads meeting.


"Remember how the last promise was to be ok without me?" She flinches.


I press a kiss to her cheek.

"You told me that you can't be okay without me around... I can't be ok without you around either."

She suddenly hugs me tight. "Then don't ever go."

"I promise."

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now