Chapter Twenty Four - Confession

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I slowly come to, Lavenza's face close to mine, tears flowing down her face. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sosososo sorry." In the corner of my eye, I see Futaba holding the sides of her head, smiling and crying at the same time. "I gave you so many hints, even before you were together..." her words barely register in my mind as I stand up, and walk over to Futaba.

"Taba? Are you okay?" She wraps her arms around my neck, laughing and crying.

"I'm better than okay!! I remember!! I remember us!!" And she's kissing me, kissing me like she's never done before.

When we separate, I hear sniffling. I look over and see Lavenza in a corner, crying. I say goodbye to the others, picking something up off the ground. On closer inspection, I can see it's a set of clothing, helmet and jagged blade included. Akechi's outfit, untarnished and pristine. He really is gone.

The others slowly fade into the background, heading for the train station. Now it's only Futaba, me, and Lavenza. I kneel in front of her, taking her hand.

"Lavenza? Is there something you want to tell me?" She sniffles, shaking her head.

"There's no point. It doesn't matter anymore." I sigh, and we sit on either side of her. Futaba reaches over and takes the small girl's hand.

"Lavenza? Are you... Are you in love with Akira?" She buries her face even deeper into her arms.

"I... I gave you so many hints... I even told you how much I miss you when you leave the room... Why..." She suddenly stands up, and screams, a bright red and black aura radiating from her body, "EVEN WHEN I WAS MESSING WITH YOU, YOU DIDN'T LEAVE!!! EVEN WHEN YOU KNEW YOU MIGHT HURT HER, YOU STUCK AROUND!!" She collapses to the ground once more.

"Wait... My Berserker form... That was you?" She continues to cry, and I pull her close, hugging her tightly.

"I thought if you were worried about her, you might run away and forget about her... And finally notice me... I should have never asked to be your student... All this knowledge has done is make me more Human... Why couldn't I just be emotionless?" I sigh, still holding her tightly, Lavenza crying softly.

"Because if you didn't feel emotions, you wouldn't be you. And that would make me very sad... I do care about you, Lavenza. Just... not like that." I look over at Futaba, who nods. Very slowly, I press a kiss to her forehead. "I have one last lesson for you... It's about Jealousy..." She sniffles, and I cradle her body. "Jealousy is one of the most frowned upon emotion, but I disagree. Jealousy makes us do bad things, but it just shows that we care. The most important thing when you're jealous is-"

"Is to understand things are the way they are for a reason... and accept that." Lavenza finishes for me. She slowly stands up, taking a few steps away. "That form... you always had the power, but I corrupted it... I think my heart has been distorted... But it's fixed now. I... I need some time to think." Futaba walks up to Lavenza, kneeling to be on her level.

"I'm not angry with you... I'm pretty sure every single girl in the Phantom Thieves had a crush on Akira at some point... I hope you find someone special to you one day... Goodbye." The small girl vanishes, her light not returning to me, but going elsewhere.

"I hope she'll be alright..." Futaba takes my hand, smiling.

"She will be."

I lay down a few hours later, Futaba cuddling with me, and we slowly fade into sleep.

"I was wondering if I might see you again..." I smile, for once not hating his voice. I turn around in the white void, and look upon Doctor Maruki.

"Doc. Where are we?" He smiles and looks around.

"I suppose you might call it the gate to Heaven. After I came to visit you, I was hit by a car and killed. Now I'm here, giving people the Heaven of their dreams. I suppose I finally found my calling." I smile sadly.

"I'm sorry... I think, in another life we could have been friends." He shakes his head, chuckling.

"I think... no matter the life, I would always have been against you. My ambitions collided with yours a little to harshly. I just have one request for you." I nod, smiling.

"What is it?" He pats my shoulder.

"Don't come here for a long while yet, okay? Give it seventy or eighty years." I shake his hand.

"You've got yourself a deal."

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now