Chapter Three: Missing Him

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I sit down on the attic bed above Leblanc, looking around the room that was once so full of life. The desk still has a few lockpicks scattered about from his last time crafting infiltration tools. The walls are bare, the only real sign he had even been here was the potted plant full of life in the corner. He had even made sure to water it before he left. I pull out my phone, and type out a text message. "I miss you already."

I hit send and wrap my arms around my legs. I wish he was here. More than I should. I hear the bell downstairs jingle, and quick feet on the stairs leading up to me. It can't be, can it? I stand, getting excited. He had come back! He had-

"Hey, kiddo." It was just Sojiro. I sit back down again, my eyes twinkling with tears. I had thought, for just a moment, that he was gonna stay. I don't know why, but the idea of him leaving hurt far more than it should.

Sojiro sits next to me, his arm around my shoulder. "Do you... uh... wanna talk about it?" He never was very good with emotional stuff.

"I just... I m-miss him so m-much!" I wrap my arms around him, holding my dad closer than I ever had before. "I- I don't know what to d-do without him! After w-we beat Maruki, h-he just st-stopped talking to m-me, and it h-hurts..." Sojiro wraps his arms around me. I suddenly feel wetness on my head.

"I know, kiddo, I know. I'm gonna miss Akira too. And I know he'll miss you, more than you know... He just... he got hurt... he shut us all out... but that's ok. Sometimes we need to take time to heal... I'm sure that soon, he'll... he'll be back, same as ever." We sit there for a while, until his phone buzzes. Sojiro sits up, and wipes his eyes.

"It's Sae. I gotta take this. Come home when you're ready, ok?" I nod and he walks downstairs, Sae Niijima on the other side, muttering something I couldn't hear. A minute later, the bell jingles again. After about twenty minutes, I stand up, and walk to the stairs. I look around one more time, and notice something underneath the bed. I walk to it, and reach underneath. I pull out a box that reads For Futaba.

I open the lid, and it's... the Dragon Sword Keychain I had seen in Akihabara?


"Akira, look at that! That's the Dragon Sword Keychain! There's only like, 5000 of them in the whole world!! Soooo cooooool..." My nose is pressed up against the window, like a child at christmas. Akira laughs and takes my arm, pulling me off the window.

"That does look pretty cool! Although I would have expected it to be more of a necklace. It's only textured on the one side... interesting." My jaw drops.

"That. Is. GENIUS!! I would DIE if I had a necklace like that- Oh jeez... 1,000,000 Yen... That's a bit more than my allowance. Still, it's nice to dream, I guess." I drag him on to the next store. After a few minutes inside, he taps me on the shoulder.

"I'll be right back, ok? Just gotta grab something. Are you ok here by yourself?" I nod confidently.

"Just don't be too long, ok?" He nods and walks out of the store. I go around, grabbing what I was looking for. Just as I finish checking out, Akira walks in, smiling at me.

"Ready to go?" I nod and he dutifully carries my bags. We pass by the video game store again before leaving, the keychain gone from the display case.

"Not surprising someone already got the last one. Oh well. It was nice to think about, I guess." I try to hide my disappointment over this fact, but I think he could tell. He rubs my shoulder.

"Maybe you'll find one online." I smile weakly.

"Yeah... Maybe. Time to make like a banana and... *sigh* " We take the train home in silence.


I gently lift the keychain from the box, revealing a thin chain. He had bought the last one, and changed it, just for me! Underneath all of that, I find a note.

Futaba, I hope you or Sojiro find this one day. I hope you know just how much I

The rest is smudged by a paw print. Damn cat. I lift the chain over my head, the necklace sitting perfectly on my chest, just below my collar bone. I smile softly, and tuck the note in my pocket. I sigh again, and finally walk down the stairs and head home.

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now