Chapter Four: Home

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I walk up to the front door, my phone buzzing. A message from Futaba? "I miss you already." I smile softly.

"I miss you too. I'll visit soon, okay?" I put my phone away and slowly lift my hand. I knock on the front door three times. The door opens, and my mom is there, wrapping me in a hug.


"I missed you too, Mom." When she finally lets go, I walk in, carrying my much fuller box of things. When I had left home, all I had were some clothes, but now, I had all sorts of things, my favorite being the Phantom Thieves Poster Futaba gave me. I look around my house, surprised just how much it had changed. It was... Boujee. That's the best word to describe it. It seems that not having to take care of a teenager for a year will help your savings.

"How have you been, honey?! Was that man Sojiro feeding you enough? You look so thin! Let me take this to your room, dear." She takes my box from my hands, and staggers under the weight. I hadn't thought it was that heavy... but Morgana was a good trainer.

"It's ok, Mom, I've got it." I take it back easily, and start to make my way upstairs.

"Where are you going, Akira? Your bedroom is downstairs." I freeze on the fifth step. Right. This isn't Leblanc. It never would be. I walk back down the stairs, and walk to my bedroom. I open the door, and look around. It was clean, but small compared to my bedroom in Leblanc. I sigh and sit on the bed, holding my face in my hands. Then it finally happens. The feelings I've held down for over a month start to come out. Tears sparkle in the sunlight as they travel to the floor.

I feel the bed shift as my Mom sits next to me. "Do you want to talk about it?" My voice cracks as I try to respond.

"I had one l-last chance... and I couldn't do it. I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye to her." Morgana finally makes his appearance, hopping out of my bag and into my lap, nuzzling his face on mine. He had slowly begun to adopt cat-like ways of showing affection.

"I'm sorry I called you a coward... I can't imagine how much this must hurt." I rub his head.

"It's ok... you were right. I am a coward..." Mom slowly stands up, looking at me funny for talking to Morgana, and walks away, closing the door behind her. After a little while Morgana walks away, and comes back a moment later, dragging my thin blanket with his teeth.

"It's getting late. Why don't you go to sleep. Maybe you'll feel better in the morning." But the air of sadness in his voice told me he knew that wouldn't happen. After a few minutes, I curl up under the blanket, Morgana's warm body on top of me more comforting than expected. I slowly fall asleep.

My Key Item (Joker X Futaba) Persona 5 RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now