Chapter Fifteen - Memories

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I walk into Shujin holding Akira's hand, my head down, trying to avoid the gazes of the other students as usual. I had been going to school for the last month, and it had been... hard to say the least. Many of the people had been looking at me funny since the first day. I had been trying to get out of my shell, and I had made a couple friends, but even that was awkward.

We finally reach my classroom and I finally look up at Akira. "Do I have to go? We could skip, just for today?" 'Kira laughs and pulls me into a soft hug.

"Don't worry. I'm only one floor away, and if you need anything, I'll be right there, okay?" I sigh and hop on my tiptoes to quickly kiss his cheek.

"Dang it. Was worth a shot though. I'll see you at lunch!" I walk into my classroom and sit down at my desk. Today will be a good day. I'm sure of it.

I stand up as the bell rings, ready to go meet Akira for lunch, when someone sits in front of me. It's Aya Kobayashi, one of my only friends outside the Thieves.

"Hey, 'Taba! Oh my god, last night's episode of Phoenix Rangers was so cool, right? And I can't believe-" Before she can spoil everything, I slap a hand over her mouth.

"SHHHHH!!! I Haven't seen it yet!" She looks at me funny, pulling my hand from her mouth.

"Psssh, as if! You've never missed an episode of Phoenix Rangers!" She looks at my face, and the expression on it. "Oh damn, you're serious. What could be so important that you missed Rangers?" I sigh, looking off to the side.

"Well... my boyfriend moved back to town and we went out to dinner to celebrate." As I expected, she freaked out.

"WAIT, WHAAAAAAAAAT!?!?! SINCE WHEN DO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!?!" I hesitate to tell her, after all, she has no idea about the Phantom Thieves.

"Well it is rather recent." I spin around, and smile. Akira is weaving his way through the desks, and sits next to me, holding out his hand. I quickly grab his hand, grinning.

"This is my boyfriend, Akira. This is my friend, Aya Kobayashi." I look back at Aya, and frown. She is looking at him as if he is going to kill her.

"H-h-hi... N-n-n-nice to meet you." Akira holds out his hand, smiling as kindly as he ever has, but this only seems to make Aya more nervous. She gently shakes his hand, and then stands up quickly.

"It was nice meeting you." She bows a tiny bit.

"Yes! You as well! I... ummm... I gotta go!!" She walks quickly out of the room, the door sliding shut behind her. I glance over at Akira, and see that his face has fallen.

"Is that... normal?" He sighs, holding his hand to his face.

"Yeah... I was hoping it would have stopped by now... Listen, maybe you should try to not be seen around me." The hand I'm holding starts to slide away, but I grip it tightly. I pull his hand and turn him to face me, resting a hand on his cheek.

"Hey, where's this coming from? You were so excited to be back..." He sighs again, smiling softly.

"People still think that I attacked Shido. As long as I'm here, I will always be the juvenile transfer student... People can be really cruel to the people I'm close to... I just don't want that to happen to you." I stand up, letting go of his hand.

"Listen, we've been through a lot. We've fought gods, changed the world, hell, I even died! You and I are tough! And if someone says something to me that really, REALLY hurts, all I have to do is call you, and they'll leave me alone. I've got the perfect human repellent!" Akira laughs, looking up at me.

"I love you so much." I smile and press a kiss to his forehead.

"Just consider yourself lucky! You get to watch me become infatuated with you twice! Mwehehe!" I walk up to him, his face at my stomach level. I suddenly realize what's coming far to late.

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