Going In Circles

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He set up silently.

It wasn't hard to go unnoticed.

He was on the roof of a skyscraper after all.

The target lived right across the street.

He slid his hand along the cool metal of his Armalite AR-50 as he screwed on an extra silencer, just in case.

Just in case.

His hand floated to the dog tags at his neck.

The doctors couldn't get those from him.

They were his.

And someone else's.

Someone whose name he didn't know.

They were just in case.

He couldn't remember why.

He couldn't remember whose the other one was.

The doctors let him keep the dog tags because the names had been scratched out.

But one of them wasn't his.

How he knew that, he had no clue.

But he knew.

The doctors had told him only that he had fallen off a cliff.

They didn't know how he had come out unscathed.

Neither did he.

"Sniper at the ready?"

He grunted in response.

That was all he ever responded with.

"Go for the eye."

Another grunt.

The balcony door opened.

An older teen with blond hair stepped out into the fresh air.

He seemed tan, but in the dark of twilight it was hard to tell.

Shifting into a shooting position, he touched the trigger lightly.

Not yet.

The man turned back and called into the apartment.

The only word that could be heard was a name.


His trigger hand froze.


He knew that name.

"Shoot, Sniper."

A pale young man with dark hair stepped out into the open.

He wore an aviator's jacket.

A familiar aviator's jacket.

"Sniper. Shoot him."

The man on the roof wracked his mostly empty brain for a name.

The name of his target.

What was it?


Will Solace was his target.

But Nico.

Nico was a friend.

Somehow he knew that.

He stood abruptly, knocking his gun sideways.

Nico's head jerked up.

He held still, almost hoping the other man would see him.

He did.

"HEY!" The shout rang out through the Manhattan night.

He turned and took off running along the edge of the building.

His gun.

Wouldn't be a problem.

The serial numbers were filed off.

There were no fingerprints.

Footsteps pounded behind him.

It was Nico.

He didn't know how he knew that.

Then he reached the edge of the building.

Without hesitation, he jumped.

And landed on an escape route.

The small plane zipped off into the night.

It left behind it a confused boy in an aviator's jacket standing on a roof.


"How? That's impossible!" Clint shouted.

"It is too possible."

"You're only 18 years old!" Tony exclaimed.

"Appearances can be decieving."

"What the hell?"

"I'm immortal."

Steve burst out laughing at the looks on their faces.

"That's impossible!" Clint said again.

"No it's not. I swear on the River Styx that I am the original Captain America and that I am an immortal teenage girl." Thunder rumbled outside.

"River Styx?" Natasha asked.

"If I was lying, I would have been incinerated upon finishing my oath." Annabeth said instead of explaining.

Silence filled the room.

"Prove it." Was the first thing that came out of Tony's mouth.

"And how do you propose I do that?" Annabeth asked.

"Spar Tasha." The redhead raised an eyebrow.

"You okay with that, Romanov?" Annabeth asked her.

"I'm a master assassin capable of every form of fighting style there is. I'll be fine with sparring you."

"TO THE TRAINING ROOM!" Tony shouted obnoxiously.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and pulled out a flash drive.

"Plug this in and JARVIS comes back online." She tossed it to Tony.

"After the spar. C'mon!" He practically bounced down the hallway.

"I think you should do it, Annabeth. I know you're retired and all but if you want to find Percy then you'll need to brush up on your skills." Steve said, laying his hand on the other blonde's shoulder.

Without warning she grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her, dropping him onto the floor on his back. Slipping a dagger from a sheath at her hip that none of them had noticed, she fell onto her knee, landing on his chest. The dagger lightly rested on his throat.

"Trust me Steve, I may be retired but I never stop training. You still have my shield?"

[A/N some questions have been answered! I'm actually really enjoying writing this. It's fun! Enjoy!]

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