OAC- Owls Against The Council

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Annabeth lay on her back, staring at the ceiling of her cabin. She had asked Malcolm to keep people from disturbing her.

There was a knock on the door.

"Go away!"


She stopped. It wasn't one of her siblings. It was her mother.

"What, Mom?"

"May I come in?" Athena called.

"Since when do you need to ask?"

"Since Malcolm informed me that I might have a dagger thrown at my head if I just enter without getting permission."

Annabeth sighed. "Yeah, you can come in."

The goddess of Wisdom opened the door and laid eyes on her daughter.

Annabeth was sprawled across her bed, her dagger next to her hand. She was wearing blue sweats and a blue camp shirt.

"I didn't know they made shirts in that color." Athena commented quietly.

"They don't. I cashed in a favor with one of the Iris kids."

Athena sighed and moved to her daughter's bed, sitting and running her fingers through the knotted blonde hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in quite a while. Annabeth turned her head to look at her mom.

"It's been almost three weeks, Mom. Is Zeus still being his pig-headed self?"

Thunder rumbled loudly outside, but Annabeth didn't care in the slightest. If Percy wasn't around to insult the king of the gods, she would.

"Unfortunately, although I wouldn't put it quite that way unless I wished to get fried." Athena said.

"Why are you here then? I don't want to see anyone unless there's news about Percy's status with the council." Annabeth's grey eyes flicked back up to the ceiling above her.

"That's why I'm here, Annabeth."

"What do you mean?" Annabeth sat up.

"I have gotten you a meeting with the council. Maybe together we can argue some sense into their brains. Help them remember Percy."

Annabeth scrambled to her feet, grabbing a towel from the stack under her bed. "Give me ten minutes."

She dashed out of the cabin and towards the bathrooms.


Toweling off her hair, Annabeth grabbed a pair of leggings and pulled them on over her bare legs. She stuffed her feet into a pair of blue converse, figuring if she was going to fight for Percy, she might as well wear the colors.

As she grabbed the blue shirt she'd been wearing, another item of clothing caught her eye.

Digging down to the bottom of the drawer she had open, she pulled out a navy blue sweatshirt. There was a sticky note attached to the front with Ancient Greek sprawled across it.

'If you're going to war, you'll need a good uniform. -Aphrodite'

Annabeth unfolded the sweatshirt. On the front was a picture of an owl with a trident clutched in it's talons. Underneath it said 'We are the link.' The entire decal was silvery-grey. As she turned it around to pull it over her head, more grey showed, spelling out the words 'Seaweed Brain-Jackson' and 'Wise Girl-Chase.' At least, that's what she thought it said, it was written in plain English and her dyslexia made the letters swim and flip.

She sent a silent prayer of thanks to Aphrodite before yanking the sweater over her head and pulling her hair into a ponytail.

Athena was waiting outside the cabin. She raised an eyebrow at the sweatshirt, then nodded. "I like it."

Annabeth frowned. "Mom, why are you so okay with this? I thought you didn't approve of our relationship."

"I saw how sad you were when you thought he died, and I saw your anger at his being taken away from you. I can get over my dislike of the son of Poseidon if he makes you that happy."

"Thanks Mom."

Athena nodded and stepped forward, tucking a stray hair of Annabeth's behind her ear. "It is rather strange for me, seeing you all grow up while I stay the same." She murmured absentmindedly.

Silence stretched between the two women, then Athena shook herself mentally. "Let's go shove Zeus' loudmouthed proclamations down his throat, shall we?"

Annabeth nodded and closed her eyes as her mom flashed them to the council room.

Zeus and about half the room was arguing with Poseidon and the other half.

"You hid him!"

"I did not!"

"He must be killed!"

"He never did you any harm!"

"He is male!"

"Get off your high horse, Moon Girl!"

"Don't you dare call me that!"

"He'll turn against the gods!"

"You've never met him!"

"He must die!"


"He's a traitor!"

"He's the most loyal person I've ever met!"

"If the punk ain't dead yet, he will be soon."

"Don't underestimate him!"

"Who cares! He's just another brat, like this one."

"I am not a brat!"

"Yes you are, now shut up and let the adults talk."

"Don't tell me what to do, you massive glowstick!"

Athena sighed and stuck her fingers in her mouth. Annabeth and Hestia, who was sitting off to the side next to the hearth, plugged their ears.

A piercing whistle emanated from the goddess's mouth, stopping all arguing and dropping the room into complete silence.

"I think that the person whose life this affects most should have a chance to speak." Athena said calmly.

Zeus narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but Athena cut him off. "Father, shut up. This greatly affects Annabeth's life and she deserves a chance to give her two cents."

[A/N Shut up Zeus! Can you guess who said what up above?]

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