Monsters Are Too Stupid to Recognize a Sniper

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Third Person POV

The cry went up around midnight.

"Monsters! Monsters in the forest!"

Percy jerked awake, jumping out of the chair he had been sleeping in next to Annabeth's infirmary bed. Without hesitating, he ran for the door.

The daughter of Athena started to sit up, but was forced back by a sharp pain where the arrow wound had been. "Percy!" She cried out on reflex.

Percy froze and turned back to look at her. "Wise Girl?"

"My side-" Annabeth winced at another shot of pain in her side.

Percy darted back over to the bed, taking her hand. "You can call your nurse, can't you?"

She nodded, frowning, and pressed the little button on her bracelet.

"I need to go help...." Percy said slowly, frowning. "Will you be okay?"

"I think so.... Be safe, please. I can't lose you again."

"Of course." He kissed the back of her hand. "I love you. I'll be back."

Annabeth nodded and Percy ran out of the building.

He met up with Steve and Bucky on their way to the armory. Demigods were running in every direction, in an organized chaos that was simultaneously horrifying and beautiful.

There were hardly any people at the armory. Percy figured most of them either had armor in their bunks or they had come here immediately.

The three demigods who were stationed there made short work of fitting them with demigod style armor. Steve seemed most uncomfortable with this, but Bucky and Percy were used to it. Once they were fitted they ran in the direction of the screams that were now echoing over the plains.

"How did they get into the forest?" Bucky asked, frowning. "That shouldn't be possible!"

"I don't know." Percy said gravely, unslinging the two bags he had over his shoulders. "Steve, get down there and find Nico. Buck, you go left, I got the right."

"We're doing that?" Bucky asked in surprise as Percy handed him one of the bags. He opened it and looked up at the son of Poseidon again.

Percy nodded sharply. "Element of surprise. Monsters are too stupid to protect themselves from snipers. Shoot straight and only take shots if you need to."

He nodded and gripped Percy's outstretched hand for a moment. "Keep track, loser buys coffee."

"You're on." Percy shouldered the one bag and took off towards the right.

Bucky clapped Steve on the shoulder quickly and ran in the other direction.

The Sea Warrior training that he remembered definitely came in handy as Percy ran along the street, looking for a high spot to take. He saw a building that had a small balcony and secured the bag better on his shoulders, then took two strong windup steps and launched himself into the air.

The cold metal of the balcony's railing bit at his fingers, but he ignored it and pulled himself up slowly. Once he had dragged himself over the railing, he turned to look out over the fight.

"Not high enough."

Percy carefully climbed up onto the balcony railing, looking at the roof above him. The edge was definitely reachable.

He took a deep breath, pushing himself upward off the railing to grab onto the gutter. His left hand slipped off, but he gritted his teeth and reached up again.

The couple feet up to the top of the roof was all Percy needed to see the battlefield properly. He dropped the bag on the roof, bracing it with his foot as he pulled the pieces to the magically modified sniper rifle he's gotten from the armory. Lying down on the roof, he rested it in front of him and peered into the scope.

It was chaos. Already what little of the field that could be seen was bathed in red. Screams echoed up through the air, demigod and monster equally heart-wrenching. The cohorts fought in unison, much different than the Greeks, but just as effective.

Percy looked for a target. He only wanted to take shots if they were absolutely necessary. He saw a huge creature over on the other side of the field, but as he focused on it a shot rang out and it staggered before turning to dust.

He vaguely noted that Bucky had left off the very high-value silencer, and briefly wondered if it was for the same reason he had left it off himself. A silencer like that would only bring up unpleasant memories.

Percy centered an ugly looking and particularly large telkhine that was cornering a younger girl. He took a deep breath in and exhaled as he squeezed the trigger.

Before he could see if the bullet hit, the world spun. Suddenly he was lying on his back in the middle of a large room with white marble floors. Above him stood a woman with a grave expression and a fierce looking spear in her hand.

"Lady Athena?"

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