Warrior VS Soldier: FIGHT

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For a few moments, they were all silent. Then from some silent command, the enemy began to move forward.

Annabeth warily looked over at her soulmate, terror beginning to course through her veins as she saw the look of hatred and anger in the Sea Warrior's eyes.

Then her view was obstructed.

"Bucky, where are you going?" Steve demanded, sounding fairly uncertain.

"Who out of us has the training to deal with that?" Bucky asked, tone logical. He made a gesture in the army's general direction.

Nico glanced at the others. "He's got a point." He said quietly.

"Take care of the others, I've got business to attend to."

"Gods I hope they don't kill each other..." Annabeth whispered.

As soon as he turned away, Bucky could already tell that his former associate had picked him out as a threat. He remembered that feeling. Knowing there was a target, and knowing that a threat had to be removed for that target to be reached.

"I'm a little harder to remove than your average soldier, old friend." Bucky mumbled, narrowing his eyes. He drew one of his good knives, sharp enough to cause damage but intentionally short enough not to strike a killing blow in most circumstances.

The guns would be unnecessary today.

The Sea Warrior was wielding Riptide. It made Bucky's stomach churn to see the sword used this way. He remembered when Zoë Nightshade had gifted it to the son of Poseidon, claiming that he was 'the only good man in the world.'

The first attack was exactly what he expected. Bucky could faintly remember training sessions that blurred together, and this attack was always first. So on some level, the Sea Warrior knew who he was, whether through his memories or through Percy's. That could be a good thing or a bad thing.

"Оставаться в стороне." He ordered. Bucky ducked a terrifyingly accurate lunge that probably would have caught him in the right shoulder.

"No." He said flatly, in English. Those blue-green eyes narrowed, darkening angrily.

"Следуйте своим приказам, Солдат!" He barked.


Again, the son of Poseidon glared at him. "Тогда ты на моем пути."

It had been a long time since Bucky had spoken Russian, but he still knew enough that he could understand the Sea Warrior. The orders were clear enough, and he could tell it was upsetting him that he was refusing. Good.

"I'm always going to be in the way, Jackson, what are you gonna do about it?"

The son of Poseidon leapt at him again, and Bucky began to look for a way to lead him away from the group.

This was a dangerous opponent, and the farther he was from others who couldn't outfight him, the better.

Bucky spotted Nico fighting his way in their direction as he ducked under the Sea Warrior's arm, and the lightbulb dinged on.


His head popped up.

"I need to get to the beach!" Bucky yelled, kicking his opponent in the side. The Sea Warrior stumbled, snarling.

"Just you?"

"No, I want this one too!"

He didn't see it, but he could easily imagine Nico snorting in derision.

The son of Hades disappeared from view for a few moments, then Bucky felt a hand on his back and he was dragged into the shadows.

He'd forgotten how much he absolutely loathed shadow travel. It felt like running through a misty forest on a cold, rainy day, and the whole time you were running you could feel thing grabbing at your ankles and arms and shoulders, things that shouldn't be moving anymore, things that should be very, very far beneath the ground. He hated it more than he could say.

For a brief moment he wondered if that was how it felt to Nico, or if it was more comfortable to him, since it was technically his domain.

Bucky stumbled when he hit the sand, but spun to face any possible dangers. It was a couple moments before Nico shoved their target, mid-swing, out of the shadow of the sandbank a few feet away.

He whirled angrily to attack Nico, but the son of Hades disappeared back into the shadows again.

Bucky whistled sharply, waving his knife to get the Sea Warrior's attention. He once again felt those angry eyes on him and began to brainstorm ways to knock the Sea Warrior's consciousness out of the forefront of Percy's mind.

Well... they were on the beach. For whatever reason, water combated Hydra's brainwashing.

Bucky just had to get his friend to the water's edge. Easy in theory... probably a little harder in practice.

"Here we go." He muttered to himself.

[A/N hey look it's bad translations, courtesy of Google Translate:

Оставаться в стороне. - Stand aside.

Следуйте своим приказам, Солдат. - Follow your orders, Soldier.

Тогда ты на моем пути. - Then you are in my way.]

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