The Wolf-Boy

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Percy could see the broken down house that Venus had told him about. He decided to help himself with the switch that he would only think of the gods in their Roman forms.

A little voice in his head nagged that Lupa was close to Diana, which could be a problem for him.

'Don't even worry about her.' Venus spoke in his mind. 'I'm sending her on a wild goose chase to end all wild goose chases.'

'Thanks.' He thought back.

A deep growl ripped through the woods when he stepped over the threshold of the destroyed house.

Naturally, Percy froze. He could sense something moving off to his left and behind him, but he didn't turn to look at what it was.

A woman's voice echoed through the clearing, low and menacing. "Who dares to enter my territory?"

Lupa, Percy realized.

"Uh, I'm Jack and this lady appeared in my dreams. She said to find a dirty old cottage that was falling apart and ask for Lupa. Are you her?"

"I am she. What is your full name?"

"Jackson Timber."

"And who sent you?"

Percy shrugged. "I dunno her name."

He heard Lupa sniff in his direction. "Son of Venus."

"Like the planet?" He asked, starting to turn.

"Yes." Luna replied. Percy finished turning and came face to face with a wolf whose head reached his shoulder.

"Uh, hi." He stared at her, filling in the role of awestruck new demigod well.

"Do you know how to wield a sword?" Lupa asked him.

"No." He lied.

Her ears twitched, then she stood up on her back paws and began to glow. On instinct, Percy covered his eyes.

When the light died down, a beautiful woman stood in front of him. Her white blonde hair, matching her white fur from her wolf form, reached just past her shoulders. She was dressed in a simple Roman toga with a traditional Roman gladius strapped at her hip.

"Then we shall start there. Come with me."

She turned back into a wolf and walked off into the woods. Percy followed her, glancing around each time he heard a rustle in the leaves. Once or twice he caught sight of a flash of fur.

"Uh, Lady Lupa? There's something following us." He called to her.

"You are observant. That is my pack."

"Oh." Percy said.

"You should get used to them being around, you will be near them for a while." Lupa said to him.

"How long?"

"A few weeks, if you train well and learn fast."

"Oh, trust me, Lady Lupa, I've always been a fast learner."

"Well then you will be on your way soon."

Percy nodded and followed her silently. He could hear the quiet breathing of wolves in the underbrush on either side of him. 

So I'm Wolf-Boy or something, huh? He thought to himself.

'Yep.' Venus spoke up.

'Gee, thanks.'


Zeus sat on his throne, brooding.

This new son of Poseidon had thrown a wrench in his life. As if his brother didn't do that enough already.

"Dad, you in here?" Apollo's voice called from outside the throne room.

"I am." He grunted.

"Dad, this is nuts. You can't kill him just for being born, it's not fair to him. Don't you remember what happened to Th-"

"Apollo are you here for a conversation I will actually be open to participating in or are you just going to argue against me again?" Zeus cut him off.

Apollo took a deep breath. "I am here to argue. And I will continue to argue until the boy is left alone."

"Why do you even care?" A new voice joined in. Artemis stepped into view, scowling. "Do you know something?"

"Nope, lil sis. I'm just trying to keep as many demigods alive as possible." Apollo smiled at her.

An arrow sailed past, inches from his manhood. The god of the sun yelped.

"Have you got a trail, Artemis?" Zeus sat up, giving his full attention to his daughter.

"No. The wolves will start off like they found something, but eventually we end up right where we started again. Someone's throwing us off the scent."

Zeus growled and thunder rumbled above them. "Find whoever is throwing you off. We will execute them along with the traitorous son of Poseidon."

"Of course, Father."

Artemis flashed out and Zeus turned to Apollo. "Get out of my sight. If you continue to go against me I will not hesitate to disown you." 

Apollo scowled at him but started out of the throne room.

"Remember what happened to Thalia, Dad." He called over his shoulder as he walked out.

Zeus glared daggers after him, then startled slightly as Poseidon's throne came to life, letting out a faint blue glow as it normally did when it's owner was nearby.

Sure enough, moments later, Poseidon walked through the doors of the throne room, looking at the floor as he walked. 

"Poseidon." Zeus said acidly.

The sea god looked up, a smirk twitching his lips up at his brother's tone.

"I take it from the rude greeting that you haven't found my son yet?"

Zeus sneered. "We'll find him in time."

"I highly doubt you will." Poseidon said confidently. "But if by some miracle you do, I will fight tooth and nail for my son."

He turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Zeus demanded.

"Well I was going to sit in here and think, but if you're in here I think I'll pass." Poseidon walked out, letting the door swing shut behind him.

[A/N Percy's with Lupa yay!]

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