The Goddess and Her Change

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Percy POV

I carried Annabeth into Camp Jupiter's infirmary, setting her on the nearest bed and getting the attention of a healer. "My girlfriend needs help-"

"I'm on it." He was next to the bed immediately, checking her over. Blood spilled slowly from the arrow-wound, reminding me that though my girlfriend was immortal, it wasn't full immortality. She could die from this.

Gods, she could die from this.

"This is a Hunter's arrow...." The man said slowly, frowning. "That doesn't make sense...."

"Would it make more sense if I told you she was aiming for me?" I asked him.

He nodded slowly. "It would, actually. I'll get to work."

I sighed and backed off a little bit, giving him room.

Reyna walked into the infirmary. "I've just been informed that Lady Diana and her Hunt have been called to Olympus. I can only imagine what they have in store for her."

"As long as it means she's off my back for a little while, I'm fine." I muttered, pacing.

She nodded silently and went to confer with the healer quietly. After a few minutes of quiet discussion, she left again.

It felt like hours before the healer got the arrow out. He carefully set it aside and had just begun to drip nectar on Annabeth's wound when there was a hesitant knock at the infirmary door.

I looked up as the door opened and a tanned hand with a white scrap of fabric stuck through it. "Perseus?"

"Lady Artemis." I said flatly as she revealed herself. "What do you want?"

"May we talk somewhere private?" She asked quietly.

"Are you going to try to kill me?"

"No." Her voice was quiet. "I swear on the River Styx."

Thunder rumbled and I rolled my eyes. "That does nothing to you, Lady Artemis. Why should I believe you?"

"I've made...." She paused and looked at Annabeth. "I've made a grievous mistake. Allow me this one small chance to start fixing that."

I pondered this for a moment. "We go to the Fields of Mars. Two of my team will watch from a distance, with their guns."

Artemis nodded slowly. "I can agree to that. So long as it isn't the son of Nike."

I nodded back. "Fair enough. Steve and Nico."

"I can agree to that, son of Poseidon."

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." I told her. "I have to find Steve and Nico."

She nodded and left quietly.

I looked back to the bed Annabeth was lying on. She looked so pale, so lifeless. I took her hand gently and kissed it, then left the room.

Bucky, Steve, and Nico were sitting at a café a little ways from the infirmary. They all jumped to their feet once I walked out.

"How is she-"

"-what did Artemis want-"

"-are you okay?"

I sighed. "They're still working on Annabeth. Artemis simply wants to talk-"

"No way are you going to talk to her alone." Bucky said angrily.

"Steve and Nico are coming with me." I promised him. "She won't tolerate you being there.... So can you go and look after Annabeth? She needs a familiar face to wake up to."

He grunted angrily, but nodded. I smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. "Thank you. And give Nico your gun?"

Once Bucky had passed off his weapon gone inside the infirmary, I turned to Steve and Nico. "Lets go. I told her you'd stay out of hearing distance, but have your guns loaded.

They nodded and Steve unholstered the gun he had. Nico checked his over casually.

I turned and headed for the Fields of Mars.

Artemis was standing by herself, on a small hill that had been raised from the rest of the ground. I made Nico and Steve stop a couple feet from it and slowly walked up to her. We stood silently for a couple of minutes, looking at each other.

"Percy...." She finally said softly. "I am so sorry."

I watched her quietly.

"I did not remember you. I am ashamed of what I did. I cannot believe I didn't recognize the one male face I learned I didn't have a quarrel with."

"We worked together for several years, Artemis." I said quietly. "And not so long ago for you."

She nodded. "I know. And I don't know what came over me, what caused me to forget your face.... I am so very sorry."

I was silent and she continued. "I know this is not nearly enough to fix what I did. I know that it will take a very long time to regain your trust in any way. I know you probably won't forgive me for a long time after this. But just know, that from the depths of my being.... I am sorry."

After a few moments of tense quiet, I nodded. "Apology accepted. But that doesn't mean I forgive you. Annabeth could die because of this."

She nodded in understanding. "I am very sorry. I'll go now."

I covered my eyes as she began to glow.

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