Love The Running...Not Really

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Third Person POV

Artemis flashed away from the meeting to her camp.

"Lady Artemis!" Thalia ran up. "Do we have orders?"

"Hunt down the son of Poseidon and kill him a violently as possible."

The daughter of Zeus smirked at her half-sister. "Wonderful."

"Gather 'round girls!" Artemis shouted.

Hunters streamed in from every side.

"We have a target at Camp Half-Blood. He's stolen a promising prospect from us and he must pay. Let's move out. With luck we'll be back here by nightfall."

"Of course we will," one girl commented, "it's just one stupid boy."


"Wait here girls." Artemis left her Hunters in the trees near the camp. "If you see him making a break for it, shoot him down."

"Yes, milady." They said eagerly.

Artemis herself approached the Big House. She had no clue where this demigod would be, so she decided to ask Chiron first.

Percy was inside talking with the old centaur when he suddenly got a chill down his spine, like something bad was going to happen.

"Uh, Chiron...?"

"I felt it too, my boy. Someone has ill will towards another in this camp."

"I think it's headed this way." He said.

Chiron nodded. "I believe so. Go into the back room."

Percy moved to the other room, his heart thumping in his chest for an unknown reason.

Artemis knocked on the door, opening it before she received a response. "Hello Chiron."

"My Lady Artemis. To what do I owe the pleasure?" The old centaur asked.

"I wished to know if any new girls had shown up at camp." Artemis smiled.

"No girls, no."

"There was a boy then?" Percy could hear the scowl in her voice.

"Not precisely, my lady, an old friend came back."

"A son of Posiedon?" Artemis asked.

"My lady?" Chiron frowned.

"It was a son of Poseidon, was it not? Where is he, Chiron?"

"I am afraid I do not know what you are talking-"

"Chiron, if you do not tell me the whereabouts of this boy I will not hesitate to gather the information by other means." Artemis said acidly.

Percy connected the dots.

Artemis was after him.

He didn't know why. 

He didn't know what she would do.

But he knew she would follow through on the threat she had just delivered.

And he couldn't allow that.

He quickly vapor traveled outside the Big House and threw the door open. "Hey Chiron I-"

Artemis had whirled to face him, her knives at the ready.

"Son of Poseidon. I'm so glad you could join us." She sneered.

Percy's eyes drifted to her weapons and he took off running.

He could feel Artemis on his heels, snarling for his blood like a wild animal.

Silver arrows began to rain down on him with uncanny accuracy. The Hunters. Percy threw up a water shield, making the water spin and shoot the arrows out to the sides of him. They hit the dirt with deadly sounding thumps. He did not want one of these projectiles to hit him.

"What the Hades- Percy?!" Annabeth shouted behind him.

Other demigods had begun to watch as the enraged goddess of the Hunt chased him towards the border of the camp.

"Oh my gods, run Seaweed Brain, run!" Annabeth had figured it out.

"What do you think I'm doing!" He bellowed back as he pushed his legs to go faster, pumped his arms harder.

His mind raced. 

Could he make it to the border?

Probably not.

Could he vapor travel far enough away to get away from the goddess?

Same answer as before.

Changing his shield so that it wrapped all the way around him, Percy changed directions slightly, sprinting now for the street outside the border.

He could hear mixed screaming from behind him. 

Some wanted him to make it.

They shouted for him to keep going. 

To outrun her.

To get away.

Others wanted him to die.

They cheered the goddess on.

Offered suggestions to the Hunters on where to shoot.

Screamed for his blood to be spilled.

He was sure these kids were mostly Ares kids.

Some kids just wanted to know who he was.

They asked loudly what his name was.

Where he was from.

Why he was here.

Percy measured the distance between him and the border.

He could make it!

Once he'd gotten past the border he could vapor travel somewhere.

It would take a lot out of him.

He'd be drained.

Where could he go that they would make sure he was safe once he was there?

The answer popped into his mind immediately.

It was a place he could go.

They'd let him in.

He'd be safe there.

"RUN, SEAWEED BRAIN!" Annabeth screamed one last time as he dashed over the border.

Immediately he dissolved into water droplets, shooting into the sky and landing somewhere else almost instantaneously.

He overshot slightly.

"Oooooow." He groaned, rolling onto his back. 

His vision began to blacken almost immediately.

The last thing he saw was Steve's concerned and blurry face hovering above him.

[A/N Percy's on the run!]

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