Misunderstandings From Jealousy

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After what seemed like hours of combat, which was really only a few minutes, the last Stymphalian bird fell to the ground. Unlike most monsters, they didn't turn to dust.

"What are we gonna do with all these things?" Percy carefully poked one with his foot, like he expected it to jump up and attack him again.

"Well..." Annabeth surveyed the creatures littering the floor. "I could ask Chiron if he wants them."

"Chiron? Why would he-" Percy began.

"They actually taste really good roasted up. We've had the occasional attack and he always has the corpses cooked and served to the campers." Nico explained.

"That sounds....really disturbing." Bucky commented.

"Not for a son of the Underworld." Annabeth pointed out. Nico shrugged, not denying the statement.

"I say we talk to Chiron then. I look forward to seeing the old horse's face when he sees me." Percy grinned.

"In person or over Iris Message?" Nico asked.

"In person."

"Well grab on." The son of Hades held out his arms. The Captain Americas and their right hands linked hands with him and disappeared in a burst of shadows.

"What the..." Tony trailed off.


Thalia was wandering the woods near Camp, playing with her bowstring. She knew she had angered Annabeth, but something in her insisted that she was in the right. That secret had been too big of a thing to just not tell anyone.

She wondered what the Hunt was doing right now. Artemis had allowed her to stay at camp for a week to get to know her brother better. The strange events of the last year, the war with Gaia, seeing Jason again, it had been surprising.

Thalia heard shouting in the camp. She ran to see what the commotion was and saw Chiron hugging someone. She felt a twinge of jealousy.

Who was this boy that Chiron liked him so much. The centaur was like a father to her, yet he rarely hugged her.

She looked at who was with him.

Annabeth, smiling as the two reunited, at least that's what it looked like.

Nico, standing back a little bit as if he was uncomfortable, but then again, he always seemed uncomfortable.

A blond man, muscular, in a strange suit with a weird shield strapped to his back.

A man with shaggy dark hair that was pulled back in a ponytail. One of his arms was made of metal and he also looked uncomfortable with the situation, but less so than Nico.

The boy stepped back and turned to grin at Annabeth. She smiled back at him and suddenly Thalia knew.

This was the son of Poseidon. What was his name? Right, Percy.

She considered putting an arrow in his chest right then and there.

This kid seemed to have it all. He hadn't had to deal with that stupid prophecy, or the idiot who took it and was so full of himself now. He didn't have to fight those wars. Chiron seemed to love him like a firstborn son and Poseidon obviously loved him too, from the way the sea god had acted when Annabeth told him about Percy's amnesia.


He had taken her away.

Thalia knew that Annabeth had been considering joining the Hunt. She had told Thalia that she got hurt by someone and she would never love another.

Percy had hurt her. And now he was back and had just scooped her up again, like it wasn't a big deal.

Thalia turned and ran into the woods, praying to her father and her mistress. They would deal with this situation.


Zeus scowled when he received his daughter's prayer. So Poseidon had done the do again? This boy was even older than the first one, which meant he had forced the prophecy on his younger brother in selfishness.

Summoning his Master Bolt, he called a council meeting, shaking the entire Olympian city in his anger.

One by one, his fellow Olympians appeared. Demeter, Hera, Aphrodite and Ares, Hephaestus, who shot said couple a dirty look, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Athena, Dionysus and finally Poseidon, who was immediately given an angry glare from his brother.

"Where is the last one?" Athena asked.

"He has a name." Poseidon said rather icily.

"And I do not deign to use it."

"'M here." The doors opened and a very drunk teen stumbled in.

"DJ, you are again the last one here." Zeus said acidly.

The thirteenth Olympian and the Savior of Olympus waved his hand lazily as he made his way over to his seat. Artemis wrinkled her nose at him as he passed her and gave her a wink.

"Dionysus, fix him." Zeus ordered.

With a flick of the god of wine's hand, the son of Poseidon was alert. "What's going on?"

"I believe we should ask Poseidon that." Zeus growled.

"I do not know what you're talking about, Zeus." The god of the sea responded calmly.

"Really? Because I do." Artemis added.

"What would it be then?" Poseidon challenged her.

"A son of Poseidon, age 18, showed up at camp today, stealing away one of my Hunters."

"Eighteen?" DJ protested. "Why'd I have to take the stupid prophecy then?!"

"Most likely the boy ran from his duties."

"That's not-"

"Shut up. You knew of this boy and you're trying to cover it up. You probably sent him away." Zeus snarled.

"No! I-"

"Artemis, kill the boy. And if he runs, pursue him. Relentlessly." Zeus spoke over his brother.

Artemis' mouth twitched up in a sadistic smile. "Of course, Father."

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