This Is Going To Suck

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Annabeth paced the main floor of the big house, tapping her fingers against her leg.

"Annabeth sit down, you'll wear a trail in the floor." Chiron told her kindly.

"Not until Nico comes back." She replied without looking up.

Chiron sighed and let her go back to her pacing.

Nico burst through the door, looking irritated.

"You're alone?" Annabeth asked anxiously.

"Unfortunately. According to Steve and Bucky, I missed him by seconds. He did some mental damage too, I could hear Tony whimpering from his room." The son of Hades rubbed his forehead. "That's not the part that makes me nervous though."

"Then what is?"

Nico looked up. "Steve said he left with Aphrodite."

Annabeth froze. "Are you sure he said that?"

"Those were his exact words."

The daughter of Athena resumed pacing. "What is she doing? Is she luring him in? Does she want him for herself? What's going on?"

"She's keeping him safe." A new voice joined the conversation.

"Apollo!" Annabeth whirled. "Where is she taking him."

"Away from here. Don't worry, he'll be safe until we've gotten Dear Old Dad to calm down. Then she'll bring him back."

Annabeth scowled. "She better."

Apollo chuckled. "I swear on the Styx that if Aphrodite doesn't bring Percy back, I will."

"Thank you, Lord Apollo."

The god of the sun nodded then waved. "I've got to go argue with Old Thunderpants for another hour or so. Just wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing."

He swiped through the mist and Annabeth collapsed onto the couch.

"What if they never convince them?"

"Then I'm kidnapping you and Percy and dumping you in Northern Canada, maybe even in Alaska." Nico said matter of factly. "You'll never have to deal with the gods again."

Annabeth sighed. "I don't think it works that way."

"I don't care." The son of Hades insisted. "You two have gone through too much and if it means never seeing either of you again I will take that chance."

"Nico, no. Even if I said yes, Percy would fight you tooth and nail. He'll fight the gods too if he has to, you know him. He never gives up."

"Well then we shouldn't have the problem, should we?" Nico said.

"I suppose." Annabeth sighed. "This is going to suck."


"Where are we?" Percy looked at the trees around him, trying to gauge what state he was in, if he was even in the United States anymore. The prospect made his stomach turn.

"We're in California at the moment." Aphrodite looked very excited about the whole thing and Percy felt his gut twist again.

"Why...?" He dragged the word out.

"Because this is where your new life is!" Aphrodite produced a perfume bottle from nowhere and sprayed it in the air, blowing it towards Percy. He coughed violently as he inhaled the stuff.

"The Hades, woman?! What was that?"

"Look for yourself!" Aphrodite waved her hand and gave him the small mirror that had appeared.

"What the Hades did you do?!" Percy stared at his reflection. His black hair had turned white and feathered out slightly. His sea-colored eyes had brightened to a clear, icy blue.

"I'm shorter, aren't I?" He asked.

"Yes you are. Two inches or so. And I toned down your muscles. You'll have to work them back. On the upside, you're skinny as a twig!" Aphrodite cooed. Percy grimaced.

"So I'll have to work it back?"

"Oh don't worry, darling, where you're going, you'll be earning it right back!"

Percy glared at her. "Where am I going? And why the Hades do I look like this?"

"Ah ah, it's Pluto." Aphrodite smiled.

"Pluto? Like the R-oh gods, you can't be serious."

"I am, Percy. Why else the look? You can pick your name and you can stay here until things are safe!"

"I don't know the Roman culture! I don't know the gods either!" Percy insisted, running his hand through his starlight colored hair.

"That much I can help with. I've also got your back in the family department."

"I have to be a son of...Venus, is it?" Percy asked.

"Yes." Aphrodite's features changed slightly, becoming a bit sterner and more angular. "Are you ready? I will send you to the Wolf House, Lupa will explain from there."

Percy sighed. "I suppose I am."

"Good! Do you have a name picked?"

He bit his lip for a moment. "Jackson Timber."

"Any reason?"

"Well I look like Jack Frost, but Jack is pretty plain and Jackson means I still have my real name while being able to cover it up by letting people call me Jack, and frost reminds me of up north where the timber wolves roam." Percy shrugged.

"Wonderful choice, Jack. Now shoo. Go north until you reach a broken down stone house. Lupa will come for you." She disappeared in a puff of perfume.

"That's all I get?!" Percy shouted at the sky.

A shimmery scroll appeared in front of him.


P.S. You have the power of a son of Venus, charmspeak. You have to figure it out on your own, good luck!'

Percy sighed. "This is gonna suck."

[A/N so Percy's new look is basically Thomas Brodie-Sangster, but with the changes the picture has]

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