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Third Person POV

It was just his luck.

As soon as Percy had gotten out Lupa and her pack's territory, he had started getting a feeling that he was being followed.

He'd ignored it for a while. They were in the woods, after all, it could be a curious animal. Or a wayward kid. If it was actually something that was a threat, he would be able to deal with it pretty easily, despite the fact that he had not been provided with a sword. He hadn't noticed it at first, but the sword that Lupa had let him use had disappeared when he left her territory.

After about four miles of being followed, Percy had heard whatever it was speed up. He'd turned, ready for a fight, and immediately took off running.

"What in Pluto's name is that?" Onyx had panicked, keeping pace next to him as they ran.

"Gorgon, let's get moving!"

"Gorgon?! Like Medusa?!"

"One of her sisters, otherwise we'd be worse than dead already." Percy replied, pouring on the steam and weaving between the trees, hearing the gorgon's inhuman screech behind him.

"Which one is it?!" Onyx screamed.

"Probably Stheno, she's the dumbest. We need to get to the highway, keep moving!"

They had barrelled through the underbrush, both praying that they wouldn't trip in their headlong dash down what seemed to be a hill.

When the ground leveled out, Percy forced himself to move faster, praying that he could make it out of here.

Finally he burst out of the trees. Seeing the highway in front of him, he turned left and followed it's path, hearing his companion's pawsteps thud along next to him.

"Faster Onyx, she's going to catch up!" Percy yelled, sprinting along the side of the highway. His wolf companion pushed along beside him, stretching his legs to their limits and panting hard.

"Come try a Cheese and Weenies!" The gorgon called from behind them, her voice scratchy and creepy sounding.

"No thanks!" Percy bellowed. Definitely Stheno. He thought to himself.

He could see the tunnel now, and the two guards at it.

"Onyx, vanish!"


"They'll think it's strange if I show up with a wolf, much less a talking one. In the commotion after I get in, you can sneak in and live in the woods nearby."

"Fine." Onyx growled, turning and disappearing into the woods.

"Halt, who goes there!" The girl at the gate shouted. The man next to her drew his bow back.

"Can't stop, gonna die!" He yelled, running right for them.

"Hazel, that's a gorgon, look!" The man yelled, unleashing an arrow.

"Good Gods almighty! Get in here!" The girl shouted. "Keep shooting, Daniel!"

"You got it!" The boy smoothly loosed another projectile at the attacking gorgon.

Hazel motioned for Percy to follow her before turning around and pelting through the tunnel.

Percy put on a burst of speed, plunging into the darkness.

When he came out on the other side, the first thing he saw was a small river. Without hesitation, he splashed into the middle of it and ran to the other side.

Daniel came running through the tunnel a few moments later, screaming bloody murder. His cheek had slash marks across it and his bowstring had been slashed.

By now a crowd was coming their way. 

Stheno burst out of the tunnel, cackling madly. Her right hand was dripping with Daniel's blood and her left still held the plate of cheese'n'wieners or whatever they were.

Percy searched for a weapon to stop her. The first thing his eyes landed on was the knife resting on Daniel's belt.

Surging forward, he drew the dagger and in one flawless stroke, hurled it at Stheno's head. Before the dagger even hit he felt a twinge of satisfaction in his stomach that told him his aim had been true. He prefered guns, but the weapons of the Romans would work just fine for him.

The gorgon's scream echoed through the valley as she burst into a pile of dust, leaving behind two identical vials.

Percy rushed through the stream again, feeling the water soak into his skin and invigorate him, and scooped up the vials, pocketing them.

"What in Pluto's name is going on here?" A strong voice asked.

Daniel, who was dabbing at his face with a thin cloth, spoke up. "There was a gorgon, Praetor. This guy killed it rather flawlessly."

A tall bulky asian man stepped into Percy's view. He was definitely muscular, but his face showed traces of baby fat. There was a war quiver hanging at his hip, partially hidden by the purple cape he wore attached to his shoulders. The fingers of his left hand loosely gripped his bow and in his right hand was a long spear with a deadly sharp point.

"And who is 'this guy,' exactly?" He asked Percy, eyeing him emotionlessly.

"Jack Timber, sir." Percy saluted crisply. "And I assume you are the Praetor of...this place?"

"Welcome to Camp Jupiter, Jack." The man said slowly. "My name is Frank."

[A/N so Percy made it!]

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