Welcome Home Boys

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Annabeth POV

I woke up early to meet Steve and Bucky at the border. Nico met me halfway there, partially asleep and looking like he'd fallen out of bed and into a shadow, then appeared next to me. He was carrying a second sword on a belt that was looped over his shoulder.

"Bucky?" I asked.

"He doesn't have his sword anymore." Nico explained, yawning mid-sentence.

"Do you think he'll want to stay in his cabin now that there is one? Or do you think he and Steve will stay in the Big House."

"I guess we can ask them when they get here."

I nodded and we headed onward to Thalia's Pine. I sat down under the tree while Nico dozed off standing up and leaning against it.

The familiar sound of two motorcycles made me look up from the book I had brought. Steve and Bucky pulled over on the side of the road.

"Where can we park?" Steve called.

"We've got a lean to on the Big House you can keep them in." I told him.

"Right." They killed their engines and started up the hill. I nudged Nico to wake him up, then went to help Steve while he moved towards Bucky.

"Alright, hopefully the permission we gave you the last time you came here is still holding." I said to my half-brother.

"What happens if it doesn't?"

"You'll run into an invisible wall."

"That's reassuring." Steve muttered.

I laughed. "Well here goes. I'll go first so that I can give you permission if you need it."

The ground had leveled out by now and Steve was plenty strong enough to push his motorcycle by himself, so I moved past him and stepped inside the border. Steve followed apprehensively, but was not stopped by the border.

"There, you're past it. The Big House is over there." I pointed to the large blue building. "The lean to is out back."

Steve nodded and kept going. I turned to wait for Bucky and Nico.

They weren't behind me. I frowned, then heard laughter echoing from behind the Big House, which just happened to be in the shadows.

Jogging towards the building, I assumed that Nico had shadow traveled the two of them and the bike with the bike's own shadow.

Steve was sliding his bike in beside Bucky's when I got there. Nico and Bucky were still chuckling, and Steve was shaking his head.

"Alright, we're-" I started, but Peleus' roar echoed through the camp suddenly and cut me off. I whirled.

"Nico, let's go."

We ran to the border, Steve and Bucky following us, but I stopped short and glared at the group of people on the other side of the border.

"Peleus, no." I ordered. The dragon backed off, but continued to growl protectively, curling himself around Thalia's tree. His golden eyes never left the familiar dark haired man.

"I thought I told you people it was just Steve and Bucky." Nico said irritatedly.

"Steve's part of our team." Natasha insisted. She stretched her arm out until her palm was flat against the invisible barrier. "Why can't we get in?"

"You're mortal." Nico shrugged.

"So is Steve."

"Steve has permission." I explained, annoyed.

"So give us permission." Tony demanded.

I raised an eyebrow at his rudeness. "Um, no thanks."

The son of an old friend glared at me, then changed tactics. "Steve, come on, get them to let us in."

"Nope." Steve said simply. "You don't belong here."

"Neither do you." Bruce said calmly.

"He has family here. The only one of you who could possibly get through the barrier would be Thor, and he doesn't live here so he can't give others permission." I told them.

The others turned to look at the burly Asgardian. He stepped forward slowly, moving close to Natasha, who still had her hand on the barrier. He put his hand next to her, then pushed forward.

His hand went through like a hot knife through butter.

"Okay, how come he can get in?" Tony demanded, kicking the border irritatedly.

"He's a deity." I shrugged. "They don't abide by normal laws."

"How did you even set this barrier up?" I saw the glint in Tony's eyes and knew what he was trying to do.

"Magic." Nico answered.

"Magic?" Clint asked.

"Magic." I confirmed. "Come on, boys. Let's go find Chiron before breakfast so he knows you two are here."

"Hey!" Tony shouted as we turned and walked away. "Hey, come back here!"

"Steve, I hope you know I'm never letting your friends in here ever." I told him.

"Calling them 'friends' can be debatable sometimes." He replied. "I understand."

I knocked loudly on the Big House door before throwing it open. "Chiron! Some friends are here to help us with the Percy situation!"

"I'll be out in a moment, Annabeth!" He called from the back of the house.

"So other than that little snag, was your drive over easy?" I asked the boys.

"Yep." Steve smiled. "No problems."

"Alright, Annabeth, who-" Chiron stepped into the room in horse form and stopped when he saw who was with me.

"James." He said quietly.

"Chiron." Bucky grinned. He crossed the room in a few strides and pulled the old centaur into a hug.

"I've missed you my boy."

"I've missed you too, Chiron."

[A/N next chapter will for sure be Percy/Jack or someone at the Roman camp who's near him...also, it seems that Wattpad isn't syncing what I post right away, Ihrschatz0307 told me that her app doesn't tell her it's shown up and I keep all my stories in my library to make sure they're on track but I haven't been getting any notifications until much later...like almost a full day. Idk what's going on, I hope it's just a bug wattpad is working through... or maybe it's the stupid chromebook I'm working on]

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