All I Wanted Was A Few Minutes Quiet!

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"You'll let them stay here, right, Tony?" Steve whispered.

Tony frowned. "Well, there's definitely room...I'll need to talk to Pepp about it..." 

"Well until you do, they're staying here." Nico put in.

"Not like they were leaving anytime soon anyway." Bucky pointed out quietly.

The four turned to look at the couple.

Percy and Annabeth were curled up on the couch, tangled together like they thought that someone would separate them if they so much as let go of each other. Percy's arm was wrapped tightly around Annabeth's waist, and their fingers of the arms hanging off the couch were entwined. The blonde's head rested on her boyfriend's chest.

Both were sound asleep.

"Warning, Tony," Nico said with a small smirk, "Percy drools like a Bull Mastiff."

The billionaire made a face. "Lovely."

"He can fix it though. I think it's a son of Poseidon trait. Theseus probably drooled too." Nico turned to see who was coming as footsteps echoed slightly in the hallway.

Natasha walked through the door and saw the sleeping couple. Instantly her footsteps became silent.

"Tony, how good is your defense system up top?" She pointed to the ceiling.

"Top notch, I designed it after all. What's up?"

"You got incoming." Tasha motioned for the group to follow her.

"Top notch, eh?" Nico asked.


"I highly doubt that." The teen was now turning in a circle, inspecting the room.

"Excuse me?" Tony exclaimed. Steve shushed him and motioned to the sleeping immortals on the couch. "What is that supposed to mean, old timer?" He continued at a lower volume.

"I'm younger than you." Nico smirked. "And I guarantee that I will find something wrong with your setup."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Absolutely, Grandpa."

"I may be physically older, but you're the museum exhibit here."

"More experience. Ten grand says I find something wrong." Nico insisted.

"Deal. You gonna be able to pay up?" Tony shook the son of Hades' outstretched hand.

"My dad's the god of riches. I always have money when I need it. But I won't be needing to go into his bank for anything this time."

"Confident are we? Well-"

"You children done yet? You really gotta see this." Natasha insisted.

"Alright, alright." Nico ceased grinning up at Tony's half incredulous, half enraged face and walked over to the red-haired assassin.

Natasha led them down to the security room. "Check this out, Stark." She tapped the screen.

"What am I looking at?" He leaned towards the screen, squinting.

"You don't see anything strange about the amount of birds in that image?"

Tony shrugged and looked up at her, backing away from the image. "I have a big tower. Sometimes it confuses them. I've actually seen it happen, they've got this thing in their heads-"

"JARVIS, zoom in on one of those birds." Nico ordered, his gaze glued on the security video.

"What's wrong, Nicky?" Bucky asked quietly.

"I don't know...something about them seems, I don't know, wrong." The screen began to zoom in. "Alright, freeze it there!" The teen ordered.

The picture froze and the five looked at it. Each bird had a bronze-toned beak and razor sharp feathers. They also had abnormally large metal claws.

"Is that some kind of jacked up crane or something?" Tony asked. He looked to Nico, waiting for an answer, but saw that the boy had gone extremely pale.

"What's wrong?" Bucky repeated, also seeing his friend's expression.

Before Nico could answer, there was a loud crash from the living room.

"PERCY GET YOUR SORRY, LAZY SELF UP WE GOT COMPANY!" Nico sprinted down the hallway.

When the son of Hades reached his cousin, Annabeth and Percy were just waking up. The window was cracked badly, and the birds could be seen as they circled like vultures. Nico watched as another one broke from the pack to slam itself against the window.

"Nico, whazz goin' on?" Percy slurred.

"Stymphalian birds!" Nico drew his sword and faced the window.

Annabeth scrambled to her feet, Percy right on her heels.

"I haven't got a weapon!" Percy exclaimed frantically.

"Think really hard about a blue pen." Annabeth ordered.


"Just do it, Seaweed Brain!"

The son of Poseidon's brow furrowed and he stuck his hand into his back pocket. "Okay, now what?"

"Uncap it!" The window shattered and Annabeth turned to the task at hand, slashing at the birds as they poured in. She could hear faint screaming from the street.

"Anaklusmos!" Percy exclaimed, jumping into the fight. "But, it's Zoë's! She just lent it to me that one time!"

"I'll explain later, just fight!"

The three whirled, working together and fighting through the huge birds. Steve and Bucky tried to help, but their weapons didn't affect the creatures. 

At least, Bucky's knives didn't.

"Buck! Grab some of the feathers from the ground!" Annabeth shouted.

Soon Bucky was slicing through the monsters, using their own against them.

Percy's face was stuck in a snarl as he worked his way through the swarm.

"All I wanted was a few minutes quiet!"

[A/N sorry that took so long to get out, hope you enjoy]

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