Evesdroppers and Unexpected Help

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Third Person POV

Percy woke up on a couch.

"Hey, you're awake." Steve grinned at him.

"It would seem so." He grunted. "Got any water?"

"Yeah, hold on." Steve left the room and Percy sat up slowly. There was no one else in the room. He stretched and winced at the pain in his forehead from hitting the floor. He gingerly checked his head and prayed there wasn't a bruise there. It didn't seem so, he couldn't find any abnormal traces of blood pooling.

"Here you go." Steve handed him a bottle of water. Percy popped the cap off and chugged the contents.


Steve fidgeted like he wanted to say something.

"What's up, Stevaroni? You seem nervous."

"Where's Annabeth? And why are you back here?" He blurted.

Percy scowled. "Someone told the gods I was something I'm not."

Steve sighed. "You're wanted again, aren't you?"

"Precisely." The son of Poseidon flopped back on the couch.

"That sucks. Is Annabeth okay?"

"I think so. I don't know, I was busy making sure I wasn't going to get shot up the a-"

"Okay, he's awake, you're talking to him, what's happening?" Tony marched in, followed by an irritated looking Bucky.

"Stark, get out. This is for big boy ears only." Percy said calmly.

"No! This is my tower and I deserve to be in on the conversation!"

"And why is that?" Percy asked acidly, sitting up slowly.

"Because I'm still deciding if I should let you stay here." Tony said with a smirk, thinking he had won.

How wrong he was.

Percy stood and advanced on the billionaire. "I don't care if you let me stay here. I can find somewhere else to stay. But I do care about whether you hear this conversation or not. So," He was toe to toe with Tony now, and the older man was shorter than him by a few inches, "You're going to get out and you aren't going to turn on any security cameras in this room or have your little AI buddy film or record any of our conversation, got it?"

Tony shivered. Percy's tone was absolutely murderous as he backed him up a few paces. 

"Y-you can't m-make me." His voice shook.

"GET OUT!" Percy bellowed. His eyes flashed dangerously and the sink in the bar off to the side exploded violently.

Tony yelped and fell backwards in surprise. Scrambling to his feet, he sprinted out of the room.

Percy clenched his fists, taking a deep breath. Turning to the sink, he waved a hand. A trickle of water rose from the mess and grabbed a small piece of metal. It stuffed the metal down the tube. Percy flicked his hand again and the water already out of the sink evaporated. The sink itself had been plugged by what he sent down the tube.

"You ready to talk?" Steve said.

"I'm basically done. Artemis chased me out and I need to find somewhere else to stay. Somewhere off radar with less technology...think Tony will give me a ride if I need one?"

"No, but I will." Steve said seriously. "Just tell me where you need to be dropped off and I can do it."

"You're the best." Percy told him. 

The three sat in silence for a moment, then Percy suddenly yelled, "ANTHONY EDWARD STARK, I TOLD YOU NO FILMING!" 

A terrified scream echoed from the other side of the tower.

"How'd you know?" Bucky asked.

"Lucky guess."

"What happens if you get caught?"

"They kill me." Percy said matter of factly.

"What?" Steve leapt to his feet. "They can't!"

"Yes they can, are you kidding me? Does the phrase 'all-powerful crybabies' ring a bell?" 

Steve sighed. "There has to be something you can do..."

"I can help." A woman's voice entered the converstaion. Bucky jumped and Steve whirled, ready for a fight.

"Hello, Lady Aphrodite." Percy said without enthusiasm.

"Hello, Perseus!" The goddess of Love beamed at him.

"Do you need something?" The son of Poseidon asked.

"I have a solution for your problem. I can sense your and Annabeth's connection, I will help you get back to her."

Percy frowned. "But why? The gods want to kill me, they think-"

"I know what they think, I also know they are wrong. Some of us aren't stupid enough to believe rumors. Apollo and Athena requested that I come here to help you while they assist Posiedon in trying to convince the council that you aren't who they think you are. I believe Hecate is also helping them to some extent."

"What is your help?" Percy asked warily.

"I've got a place for you to stay, and a different identity to keep you safe there."

Percy frowned at her. "How safe is it?"

"Extremely." Aphrodite smiled. 

The raven-haired boy debated for a moment before turning to Steve and Bucky.

"Don't tell anyone you saw me unless you are sure of their intentions towards me, got it?"

Steve and Bucky nodded.

"I am ready, my Lady." He turned to the goddess.

"Wonderful!" Aphrodite clapped her hand down on his shoulder and the two disappeared in a burst of perfume.

Bucky gagged. "I always did hate her method of travel."

"Who do you think he meant when he said that? About telling anyone, I mean." Steve said.

A figure stumbled out of the shadows before Bucky could answer.

"Where's Percy?" Nico panted, bending over slightly.

Bucky and Steve exchanged glances.


[A/N Ah, timing, thou art a heartless witch]

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