The Cavalry's Here

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Percy POV

"Drop your weapon!"

Both Artemis and Reyna flinched in surprise at the military bark.

"Sea spawn. How nice of you to give me a clear shot." Artemis saw me first, having already been looking my way.

"Drop your weapon," I ordered again. "And step away from Praetor Arellano."

She chuckled maliciously. "You've gone local."

"It's not a matter of liking the people here. It's a matter of you threatening innocent lives." I kept the pistol in my hands trained on her head.

"You must be quite thick if you think a mortal weapon can hurt me." Artemis scoffed.

"Check again." I loaded a bullet into the chamber and raised an eyebrow.

"W-where did you get that?"

So she could sense the Celestial Bronze bullets. Good.

"I assume it was either Lady Athena or Lord Ares."

He didn't deserve the respect, but I said it anyway in case he had actually provided me with the gun that had appeared against my leg while I was in Frank's house.

"Praetor, would you be so kind as to move?" I asked her. She quickly extricated herself from the situation. Artemis's arrow turned on me.

I had the advantage here. It made me smirk.

A trained sniper and combat soldier with heightened senses and reflexes, shooting a magically enhanced pistol at point blank range at a sharpshooter goddess (that was the only part that made me a bit nervous) with a medieval weapon.

My ears picked up the quiet sounds of arrows being nocked all around me. I held back a curse. I'd been hoping Artemis came alone.

The shadows in the corner of a nearby building pulsed suddenly. Out popped a group of familiar faces.

Annabeth and Steve were behind me in a moment, covering my blind spot with their twin shields. Nico got on my right flank, sword out and ready. Bucky stayed to my left, gun up and switching between prospective targets. He had a sword in a scabbard on his hip but showed no indication of planning to use it.

I could practically see what was happening in Artemis's brain. 'This just got a lot harder.'

"You're outgunned, goddess." Bucky spoke first, which was only slightly surprising.

"Am I?" Artemis flicked her braid over her shoulder, her aim never straying from my face just as mine stayed focused on the spot between her eyes.

The Hunt popped up all around us, arrows trained on our group.

"Yes." Bucky said calmly, still scanning the girls in front of him.

I noticed suddenly that Reyna had disappeared while I was focusing on the enraged immortal out for my blood. I tried not to call attention to it, hoping she was going to get help.

"Give this up, Artemis." I spoke clearly. "Drop your weapons and we'll drop ours."

"Why should we do that?" Artemis raised an eyebrow. "We outnumber you 7 to 1."

"You'd be surprised what this team can do." I told her.

"Shoot only to injure or incapacitate." I heard Annabeth whisper to the group. The way she said it made it sound like Bucky and I weren't the only ones wielding firearms.

"I am not afraid of your group of killers."

"I believe that phrase matches your girls better." I retorted.

A girl off to my right released an arrow. Nico stepped in front of it and deftly deflected it off of his sword.

"Now!" Annabeth barked. The group burst outward and the area descended into chaos.


(Earlier, at Camp Half Blood)

Annabeth POV

"He's in trouble." Nico reported, appearing out of the shadows. "He's at a stand off with Lady Artemis, Celestial Bronze gun versus silver arrows.

I growled. "We have to help him."

"I can get us all there. I've been getting better at taking groups." Nico offered.

"We need a plan. And weapons." Steve said firmly.

Nico and I looked at each other. "Weapons shed."

We hurried across the camp, ignoring the weird looks campers were giving us.

Nico threw the door to the weapons shed open. Sitting immediately in front of the doors was a table with three sleek pistols and a large semi-automatic sitting on it.

"That's new." I murmured.

"There's a note." Steve pointed. I grabbed it and read it out loud.

'I gave Percy a similar one. They're loaded with Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold. Good luck, child. -A'

Bucky picked up the semi-automatic, testing it's weight. He smirked at the rest of us.

"The Hunt is going to be there." I warned.

"Pull maneuver 48 from the old handbook." Bucky shrugged.

"That's not a bad idea." I murmured, thinking. "You two up to it?"

Steve and Nico nodded.

"Alright let's move."

We quickly geared up, Steve and I having to run back to the Big House to get our shields.

"Ready?" Nico asked us.

We glanced at each other and nodded.

"Alright, grab on to each other." Nico placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder. Steve and I linked arms and I grabbed Bucky's hand.

We disappeared into the shadows of the building.

[A/N I had an idea so I updated out of order. I'm working on other updates, I promise. Also, there's a small Hamilton reference, can y'all find it?]

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