He Goes, Silent As A Lamb

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[A/N This one's going permanent 3rd person too]

By the time Percy was back on the roof, the battle was over. Roman demigods were pushing through the piles of monster dust in search of bodies. 

He shifted so he was sitting with his knees pulled to his chest, the sniper rifle laid aside. He knew Athena had assisted his body in shooting while they talked, but he wasn't sure if that was a good thing anymore.

He didn't know what to do anymore. There were options, but none of them seemed like a good idea. He was feeling something he hadn't felt in over 60 years, something he hadn't felt since before he and Bucky had fallen.

Percy Jackson was scared. Scared beyond belief.

He could feel his body shaking, and he wasn't sure whether it was from the cool of evening as the sun set or his racing thoughts. He wasn't sure if the stinging in his eyes was from the wind blowing monster dust or tears as he weighed his options. If he was going to be completely honest with himself... he wasn't sure what anything was anymore.

After hours of silent contemplation, he finally stood, carefully collecting the sniper rifle and disassembling it. He put it back into the bag and dropped off the roof, then dropped down off the railing onto the cobblestone street.

His boots were quiet on the stone, but with no one around to hear them his footsteps sounded like gunshots to his own ears. Everyone must be celebrating somewhere. Or mourning. It occurred to him that he didn't know if the end of the fight had been considered a win or a loss. Did the monsters retreat or were they driven off?

Percy stumbled blindly back to the armory, leaving the disassembled sniper and the armor he had been provided with stacked neatly on the front steps. He turned and walked to the infirmary, still seeing no one on the way.

Annabeth was asleep, her heart monitor beeping steadily. Percy sat in the chair next to her bed and took her hand gently, kissing the back of it and then holding it against his forehead, eyes closed.

"Forgive me, my dearest Wise Girl." He whispered, his voice breaking. "I love you more than words can say. If you knew what I am about to do, I know you would refuse to let me... just know that I will return. And I am always with you."

Gently laying Annabeth's hand on the bed, palm up, Percy reached up behind his neck and pulled a small cord from beneath his shirt. Seven hand-painted beads hung from it.

He carefully took the necklace off and laid it in Annabeth's hand, curling her fingers over it. Lifting her fist again, he kissed each knuckle gently.

"I swear on the Styx, Wise Girl. I will be back."

Thunder rumbled outside and Annabeth shifted. Percy stood, taking a deep breath.

He walked outside and listened for the sounds of revelry. Upon hearing them, he walked in that direction.

Steve found him first. Grinning, the big blond clapped him on the shoulder. "Nice shooting, kid!"

Percy forced a smile onto his face. "Thanks man. Hey, have you seen Nico? I thought I saw him get hurt near the end of the fight."

"Yeah, I think he's talking to the Praetors, over there!" Steve pointed.

Percy nodded. "Thank you, Steve. Until next time."

If the man found his response strange, he didn't say anything. Percy wove through the crowd to find his cousin.

"Jackson!" Percy turned. Bucky had found him first.

"Hey, man." Percy plastered that fake smile on his face again, but Bucky was already grabbing his arm and pulling him into a more secluded corner.

"What's wrong? Your shooting was good, but not as good as it could have been. And don't give me any bull, I can tell that smile is forced."

Percy sighed. Of course the man who had gone through everything he had and more would be able to read through him.

"I can't tell you, Buck. The only thing I can say is that I have to do this, and I'll be back."

Bucky frowned deeply. "Percy... what about Annabeth?"

"She'll figure it out. I swore on the Styx that I would get back to her."

He still seemed upset about the whole thing, but let go of Percy's arm. "Have you said goodbye to the others?"

"Steve. Subtly, so he didn't realize. I can't let him stop me."

"So just Nico to talk to still."

Percy nodded.

Bucky saluted him formally. "Sergeant Jackson."

Percy smiled a little and saluted back. "Sergeant Barnes. Until we see each other again."

"Shoot straight."

He nodded. "And you... where's Nico?"

Bucky pointed him in the right direction and Percy headed off again.

"Hey Neeks."

The son of Hades nodded to him as he walked over. "You saved quite a few lives today."

Percy smiled tightly. "Any way I can."

Nico chuckled.

"Listen, I'm gonna turn in early. My head hurts from staring down that sight for so long." Percy lied.

"Alright. See ya tomorrow."

"Yeah.... I'll see you." Percy nodded.

Nico returned his attention to Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang.

Percy slipped away from the party silently and began to walk to the beach.

Halfway there, he sighed. "Onyx, no."

"Hey, you're not going anywhere without me, Jackson." 

"How did you even know it was still me?"

"You smell the same." Onyx matched step with Percy, his long neck ruff brushing against the son of Poseidon's hand every few steps.

Percy grunted.

They walked in silence until they reached the spot. Percy knew it was right because a cloaked figure was standing there.

"Medusa." He said quietly once he was close enough.

The figure didn't turn, but spoke quietly. "Hello, Perseus Jackson."

"If we're going to have to do this, please call me Percy."

"Very well." She turned to face him. Even though the veil was covering her face, Percy made a point of looking at where her chin should be. "You are intent in this course?"

"It's my only choice, it seems."

The gorgon shrugged. "Maybe. I cannot say, I am not the fates. Is the wolf coming with?"

"Yes." Percy and Onyx answered at the same time.

"Very well. Take these." She held out two black pearls.

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