The Color Blue

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"I knew him."

"Patient 2 is showing high levels of confusion."

"But I knew him."

"Be quiet."

They would not tell him who the boy was.


None of the doctors responded when he said that name.


Nico di Angelo.

He didn't know how he knew that.

He never knew.

Nico di Angelo.

He had worked with him.

On what?

His mind was blank.

"I knew him!"

He started to get angry.

"I knew him!"


They restrained him.

The doctors tied him down.

Tied him to a table.

A black table.



That name rang through his mind.




An image popped into his mind.

An olive skinned, black haired boy grinning at him in a military uniform.

The dog tag.

Was it his?

He wracked his brain, trying to remember.

Was Nico wearing dog tags when he was at Will's house?


It wasn't his.


He remembered so many things now.

Nico and himself at a park.

It was snowing.

Nico's smile as he held up something painted red, white and blue.

Something vaguely familiar.

A shield.

What else did he remember?

Nico was there when he fell from the train.

Nico was there, standing above him, reaching down.

Nico was reaching for him, along with a blonde girl.

Who was the girl?

She had the shield now.


New memories.






The doctors began to hook him up to the machine.

The machine that took his memories.




The doctors slid a needle into his neck.

His body went numb.

That reminded him of Nico too.


He dug his way into a corner of his mind.


He pushed the memories into that corner.


Hopefully those memories would be untouched.




He could feel the other memories slipping away.


The memories of Nico began to disappear.


He began to push them farther.


Something told him if he went much farther than that, he would lose them either way.


The memories of Nico stopped disappearing.

But the rest of him disappeared.





"I've been so used to fighting with this." Steve said, holding up his shield.

"C'mon, hand it over." She said with a smile.

Steve sighed and dug his fingertips into the edges of his shield.

"Steve what are you..." Tony trailed off as the shield popped apart, revealing an identical.

"It's half the weight, you're going to need to practice with it." Annabeth informed him as she quickly changed into a pair of running shorts and a sports bra behind a small screen Natasha had set up for her.

"Wait, there's two shields?"

"When I realized I needed more help than just Percy, Stark made another one. With help from a friend." She appeared, wearing all blue.

"You're really missing him, aren't you?" Steve took in her appearance. Annabeth nodded, blinking rapidly.

"Sheild." He tossed it to her and she turned to Natasha, who was already in position, two knives and her Widow's Bites ready.

"You ready?" The redhead asked. Annabeth's blonde hair bounced in it's ponytail as she pulled the shield up into a covered position.

"3, 2, 1, go!" Clint called.

Annabeth didn't wait for Natasha to attack. She rushed forward and practically bodyslammed the assassin with her shield. Natasha slashed at her daggers at Annabeth's knees and the blonde leapt over them, pushing Natasha with her shield at the same time. Both women fell back and began to circle.

Natasha broke first, leaping towards the immortal 18 year old with a battle cry. She tried to slide under Annabeth's guard, most likely planning on unleashing her Widow's Bites. It didn't go as planned.

Annabeth brought the edge of her shield down on the redhead's wrist, not hard enough to break bone, but with enough force to stop her intentions. The next moment, Annabeth had gotten her own dagger out of it's sheath and dropped on top of the 'older' woman, pressing it to her neck.


Silence rang through the training room. Steve broke it with an annoyed noise.

"You know, Annabeth, I figured you'd at least have a longer time than back then." He checked his watch. "A minute and a half. That's just not fair."

Annabeth smirked as she stood up. "I'm special like that."

[A/N OH LOOK! A CHAPTER! I don't know if I'm pulling off the insane, shattered mind that Percy would have after that much experimenting. Please tell me if you think it's good, but I'll be open to suggestions! Hope you enjoyed!]

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