Separated Again

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Artemis growled in frustration. The son of Poseidon had disappeared and she was currently unable to find him.

"What the Hades do you think you're doing?"

The goddess of the Hunt turned to face a livid blonde with a dagger clenched in her fist.

"I was ordered to hunt down a traitor to the gods and I am doing so." She said calmly. Annabeth's grey eyes flared angrily.

"He's not a traitor to the gods! He's my boyfriend!"

"You told me you planned on joining the Hunt." Thalia stepped into the argument, glaring at her former friend.

"Yeah, because I thought Percy was dead! But he's not and gods am I happy about it."

Artemis turned to Thalia. "Get the wolves and scout him out. He could not have gone that far."

"Oh I beg to differ." Annabeth sneered as the daughter of Zeus ran off. 

"What does that mean?" Artemis asked acidly.

"It means Percy's very powerful. He could be out of Manhattan already." Annabeth smirked. "You're never going to find him."

"The Hunt has not failed in thousands of years." Artemis retorted.

"The Hunt has never met Percy."

"Are you insinuating that a mere boy is better than my girls?"

"I'm not insinuating. I'm coming right out and saying it." Annabeth crossed her arms over her chest. "Even if you do find him, you'll never take him in. He may be a Seaweed Brain, but he can think pretty quickly when he needs to."

Artemis glared at the daughter of Athena, then turned to Chiron, who was watching from nearby. "This girl is to be locked up until we find that boy and bring his head to Zeus on a silver platter."

"My lady?" Chiron asked, surprised.

"You heard me. I have orders to kill that boy as viciously as necessary and I will not have some lovestruck child stop me from that by trying to help her useless boyfriend."

"Percy is not useless!" Annabeth protested angrily.

"He's a boy." Artemis said, like that explained everything. "Now, someone lock her up."

She turned and began to walk away, but suddenly there were sounds of combat behind her.

The goddess turned to see Annabeth being restrained by Chiron as she continued to try attack.

"Don't you dare say Percy's useless just because of his gender! He's more capable than you will ever know and I hope he kicks your-" She began to swear profusely in Greek and several campers gasped.

Artemis' eyes narrowed. "What did you just call me?"

"You heard it, need me to repeat?" Annabeth snarked, her eyes practically glowing with fury.

Artemis started forward, her knives appearing in her hands, but Chiron quickly put himself between the two enraged girls. "We will lock her up as you ask, my lady. Please, I would prefer to keep my camp a little less violent. I understand that you are both feeling insulted, but I do not want to have to deal with two immortals trying to kill each other."

Annabeth let out a low growl that was mirrored in the goddess of the Hunt's throat.

"The wolves are ready!" Thalia shouted.

Artemis turned on her heel after shooting Annabeth one last poisonous look.

"Alright, come on, Annabeth." Chiron carefully began to guide the daughter of Athena towards the Big House.

Annabeth twisted in his grip to shout after the retreating goddess.

"I hope you know what defeat tastes like because you're going to get a big helping of it!"


"Why is he back?" Tony asked. Steve had informed the team that Percy had appeared in the middle of the room and they were now standing in the corner of the room while Percy lay passed out on the couch.

"It could be any number of reasons." Steve said seriously.

"He probably pissed the gods off again." Bucky muttered.

"Twenty bucks says it was your grandpa." Steve said to the former assassin.

"I'm not taking that bet because it's probably true." Bucky retorted.

"Aw come on."


"Seriously Buck, just bet me."

"No! I know a good bet from a bad bet, I'm not going to give you the satisfaction."

"What is going on?" Clint whispered to Natasha as the other two bickered back and forth.

"From what I could get, Bucky is some sort of demigod too. And they're arguing over betting..." She answered.

"All your siblings never turn down a challenge, why do you?" Steve finally asked after a few more minutes of back and forth with his friend.

"Because I'm the oldest. I know what's good for me and I had to control myself while I was with the cohort."

"So it's still there?"

"Yes. But if you go around trying to bring it out I will beat you with Annabeth's and your shields."

Steve raised an eyebrow. "Together or separately."

"Together." Bucky said venomously.

"Please explain what's going on." Tony finally burst out.

"What, did you think that Percy, Annabeth and Nico were the only demigods out there?" Bucky asked, a small smirk adorning his face.

[A/N who's his godly parent guys? What do y'all think and tell me if you think it should be a different one than what I have picked (I'll tell you if you suggest the one I chose)]

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