Two Down, Three To Go

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Third Person POV

Percy bounced up and down on the balls of his feet, trying to dispel some nervous energy.

Dakota, the kid who led him around camp, had explained the basics of the whole 'combat trial' thing, but not much. If they had been at the Greek camp, he'd be confident enough in his abilities, but this was New Rome. They could throw at him the best of the best and he had no clue if he could beat them or not.

A small part of his mind reminded him that no one would actually die today, but various other thoughts overruled it.

"Today we will be watching the initiation of a young man named Jack Timber!" A woman roared outside. The crowd screamed back, shaking the room Percy was in a little bit.

The gate in front of him opened and he marched confidently out onto the Coliseum's ground. There were mixed reactions. 

Some people laughed at his skinny appearance, others cheered, most likely at the prospect of seeing the new kid knocked around. He caught a few older men, in their thirties by the look of it, examining the way he handled his sword and nodding slowly. Well that was a good thing.

"Timber, do you have anything to say to New Rome?" A regal looking woman with a dark tanned complexion and black hair that was pulled into a braid asked. She must have been the other praetor, judging by the purple cape that hung around her shoulders.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer!" Percy called, smirking. His body type didn't match it, but he knew his voice hadn't changed much, and it resonated around the huge arena.

A flash of black in the top corner of the stands caught his eye.

Nico was sitting next to the boy in the black robes from before and a girl who looked to be of Asian descent. Percy sighed a little in relief that he had a completely different face right now, even though he knew Nico meant no harm to him.

"This is a serious matter, Timber. Do not disrespect Rome."

"I'm not disrespecting Rome, I'm saying stop staring and let's get started." He smirked at her.

The woman glared at him for a moment, then turned her face upward and addressed the huge crowd.

"Today we come to judge if a boy who has high reviews flying around him is truly what he has been said he is."

The crowd roared and he felt the ground shaking beneath his feet. These people really knew how to raise a ruckus.

"We shall start with the Fifth Cohort!" The girl bellowed. "Who do you choose to represent you?"

Dakota stood and shouted, "Morgan Cheever!"

There was a roar of approval.

Percy turned to the gate across the arena from him, which was opening slowly.

The girl who came out was built like a truck. She was muscular and tall, with short brown hair that was pulled back out of her eyes. She carried a spear and shield, and her helmet was tucked under her arm.

"Fighters at the ready!" The girl slipped her helmet over her head and dropped into a ready stance. 

Percy hadn't bothered with a shield, so he just crouched, ready to move any direction at a moment's notice.

"Begin!" The woman yelled. 

Percy and Morgan began to circle each other.

"How'd a skinny little brat like you make it here?" She teased, most likely trying to antagonize him.

"Hm, good question." Percy feinted at her and she took a half step back before taking back her stance. "Why don't you find out?"

She leapt at him and slashed at his face first.

"Ah ah, not the face, doll." Percy's sword crashed with hers.

"Pretty boy, are you?"

"I'd say so, yeah." This was too easy for him. She wasn't a great fighter, more of a brute strength attacker.

Quickly he disarmed her and laid his sword on her neck.

"Who's next?" He called, doing his best to sound bored, which in all honesty wasn't hard.

"Punk." Morgan muttered sneeringly, grabbing her weapon and walking away.

The Praetor was watching him with a raised eyebrow. "Fourth Cohort, who do you choose to represent you?"

A girl of about 17 stood and shouted, "Daniel Fawn!"

Again the gate across from Percy opened again, this time admitting the boy from the border. He was spinning two daggers in his hands, and like Percy, had opted out of wearing a helmet.

He had a cunning glint in his eye and Percy smirked at the possibilities for his upcoming battle.

"Fighters at the ready!" The woman shouted again. Percy and Daniel eyed each other as they crouched. 

"Begin!" Percy didn't waste time with pretense now. He lunged forward. Daniel had the advantage, he could get too close for Percy to attack, so he had to keep him out of striking distance and find a spot to hit himself.

Said spot quickly became evident. Whenever Percy pressed in on Daniel's left side, the boy left his right flank undefended.

Percy slashed heavily at Daniel's left side, then pulled a dagger from his belt and ran it along his right ribs lightly. The boy yelped in surprise at the pain and faltered, giving Percy the chance to disarm him and hold him at swordpoint.

"I yield." Daniel nodded slowly, so he wouldn't cut his neck open.

"They always do." Percy smirked and stepped back, dropping the tip of his sword into the dirt.

"You will be given one a five minute break over the course of the test. Would you like to take it now?" The woman called from the stands.

"Two down, three more? Nah, I'll keep going."

"So be it."

[A/N Flirty Percy is fun to write]

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