Silver Dragon

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Medusa led Percy into a huge cavern. Instantly he was on high alert. There was something extremely fishy about this cave, and he did not like it.

"The son of Poseidon, Master."


Percy peered into the darkness and flinched backwards when he saw huge golden eyes above him. "What the Hades-"

"Do not mention his name!"

The eyes didn't react.

Percy frowned and began to look around more.

"What are you sssseeking?"

"You. Where are you?"

"You inssssolent inssssect. You ssssee me." The big golden eyes blinked.

"That's not you." Percy shook his head. "There was no reaction when I said Hades-"

"Do not ssssay that name!"

This time the eyes did react, but it was just a little squint. Percy bit back a snort.

"You're really trying to sell it, I'll give you that. So where are you?"

"Medussssa." The voice snapped, clearly agitated.

"Yes Master?" Again the tone of contempt. The shadows hissed angrily.

"Leave ussss. I will deal with you later."

"Yes Master." She said flatly, turning and leaving the room.

Percy shifted his arms a little. The ropes were beginning to dig into his wrists and he really would prefer not to have those bruises.

"Sssso. You're the sssson of Posssseidon."

"I am. And you are?"

"None of your conc(ssss)ern." He could tell the voice was female now. He wasn't sure how he knew that, but he did.

"It is if you're holding me hostage, lady. Besides, you sound like a second-rate myth, if that."

"How dare you!"

Something came flying out of the darkness and Percy sidestepped calmly. His time with Hydra, what he could remember of it, had trained his reflexes to the point where he hardly had to move to dodge things.

The tiny snake hit the wall behind him with an ugly crunch. He could only imagine what would have happened if it had hit him.

"Nice aim. Fix your speed." Of course he was trying to infuriate this unseen creature, he wanted to entice it into the light.

"Demigod sssscum."

"Scaly freak."

"You have no clue who you are dealing with, Jacksssson."

He shrugged. "You're still a scaly freak. The whole 'secret cave, giant snake, hissing sounds' deal, it's a bit much."

"How dare you inssssult me. I am more powerful than the godssss could ever be. I have the power of my father with me. I will dessssstroy you and everyone you love!"

"Lotta talk from someone hiding in the shadows."

Percy noticed a shadow moving a little. He watched it casually, not sure if it was actually the person he was addressing. The woman's voice was echoing through the room so he couldn't pinpoint it, and there could be any number of other creatures there.

"You would not be able to handle my true fac(ssss)e."

"Oh please. I've seen a lot worse than what most of this realm provides. It's... disappointing, really, that this is considered the scariest place in the universe."

"And what would you think the sssscariest place in the universssse issss, sssson of Posssseidon?"

Percy's smirk dropped. "Ever been in a Winter Soldier detention center?"

"What issss that?"

"Six Russian assassins trained for years to become the most ruthless creatures in the world. They could all speak thirty languages and destabilize and destroy entire countries overnight. Taught by the original Winter Soldier himself, a brainwashed son of Nike. Their training rooms are the worst places in the world. Just walking through the door would saddle you with the unrelenting urge to leave.

"They're always clean, but looking at the walls and the floor, you would always know that horrible things happened there. People died in the most gruesome ways. By the hands of six beings created of evil, and their trainer."

"That'ssss right..." The shadow began to move again, coming forward. "You were a killer.... The Ssssea Warrior."

"Now I see why you were hiding in the shadows." Percy commented, eyeing the creature in front of him.

She was human, mostly. Huge curling horns protruded from her shining black hair, a strange silver color. Her eyes were the same color as the horns, iris, sclera, and pupil alike. Huge silver wings stretched out behind her, each wing protruding over it's respective shoulder at least a foot. Her fingertips ended in wicked looking black claws.

"A Russssssssian sssspy. Born in America like the other... Jamessss."

"What about it? I had no control over my actions."

"Yessss. The attack dog. You alwayssss did interesssst me."

"Why is that?"

She held up a small red book.

Percy's eyes narrowed, then widened drastically. "No."


"No. No, you can't-"


"Shut up!"


Percy's head was beginning to throb. He gritted his teeth and tried to lunge at her, but a new throb of pain knocked him off his feet.

"рассвет." The woman took a step back, further from his reach.


"восемнадцать. закулисный. Три."

"NO! Shut up!"

"Вернуть. Один."

Percy wrapped his hands around his head, gritting his teeth harder. The pain was almost unbearable.

"Грузовой вагон."

He fell silent and she tilted her head, watching him curiously.

"Hello, Warrior."

"Я готов отвечать."

She had to admit, for someone who had grown up in America, his Russian accent was flawless.

[A/N yes I'm basic. I kept some of Percy's words the same as Bucky's so here's the stuff according to Google:

Сломанный - Broken

заболоченный - Waterlogged

печь - Furnace

рассвет - Daybreak

восемнадцать - Eighteen

закулисный - Underhand

Три - Three

Вернуть - Return

Один - One

Грузовой вагон - Freight Car

And the last translation is what Bucky says in CA:CW that the movie translates to 'Ready to Comply']

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