Drowning Really Is One of the Worst Ways To Go

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Annabeth still had half a breath when the Sea Warrior dragged her beneath the water. She snapped her mouth closed as quickly as she could, writhing against the assassin's grip as he began to pull her farther out and farther down into the ocean.

Everything hurt. The salt water stung her eyes, and the injuries she'd gotten during the battle burned. Her scalp was on fire from the Sea Warrior's grip on her hair. And her chest began to ache as she forced herself not to take another breath.

'Okay. I've got a minute at most before I either pass out from lack of air or drown because I try to take a breath. I've got to get away from Percy in half that time, so I can get back to the surface.'

Annabeth began to fight even harder, trying to get away from her brainwashed boyfriend.

She was sure she was crying, even though the ocean soaked up the tears as soon as they left her eyes.

The Sea Warrior finally loosened his grip on her hair and she managed to tear herself free. Frantic, she began to swim upward towards the surface.

The iron grip on her ankle made her want to scream in frustration and terror. She gritted her teeth and pulled her foot up as sharply as she could.

It was like whenever Nico would take her shadow travelling. Feeling skeletal hands grab at your hair and limbs was terrifying enough, the tight hold that the Sea Warrior had on her as he steadily pulled her downward was even more horrible.

Then she hit the jackpot.

Or rather, the Jackson.

Annabeth's free foot slammed into the Sea Warrior's head, her heavy combat boot knocking him out cold in one clean kick. She felt his grip on her ankle lessen and wriggled herself free.

For about half a second, she wondered if she should go after him, then her lungs screamed for air again and she turned away, frantically swimming for the surface.

Her vision began to darken and she finally let out the scream she'd been holding. She was so close! The surface was right there-

Annabeth broke the surface of the bay and gulped breaths of sea-scented air. She was much farther out than she would have thought she was. She could barely see the beach.

"Nico!" She screamed.

No response. Annabeth hauled in another breath and began to stroke out towards the camp. She could feel her arms burning, and she just wanted to stop and rest, but she knew she couldn't.

"NICO!" She screamed again. She honestly didn't care if it was him who answered, she just wanted confirmation that she was alive and that they were okay.

"Annabeth?!" A faint voice responded. She could see someone standing on the beach.

It wasn't Nico. It was Thalia. She could see the silver jacket and the short, spiky hair.

"Thalia!" Annabeth realized she was crying again. The daughter of Zeus stood helplessly at the water's edge. She wouldn't come out there to get her, Annabeth knew that. She just had to hope she'd make it to the beach.

A figure sprinted past Thalia and crashed into the water, spraying foam everywhere. Annabeth could see blond hair.


He swam out to meet her and Annabeth basically collapsed into his arms. Steve wrapped one arm carefully around her waist and began to swim strongly back towards the beach.

Once he was in the water where he could stand up, he scooped Annabeth into his arms and began to trudge through the shallows.

"Are you okay?!" Thalia asked, looking horrified. She had a blanket, and as Steve set Annabeth down, she wrapped it around the daughter of Athena's shoulders.

She shook her head, clutching the blanket tightly. "He- he tried- I don't-"

"I know, I know." Steve said softly, kneeling and hugging her. "You're okay now. You're alright, I've got you."

"He's out there somewhere..." Annabeth finally managed. "I knocked him out...."

Steve looked out towards the water, frowning.

"He can breathe underwater. I think he'll be okay... My bigger concern is making sure you're okay...."

Annabeth offered a weak smile. "So the usual then?"


"How's Bucky?"

"They got the knife out and he's stable... I think some part of Percy was fighting, the knife hardly did anything."

"Didn't feel like he was fighting much." Annabeth muttered, rubbing her scalp ruefully.

Steve chuckled and scooped her up again, heading for the infirmary. "We've got to make sure you're okay. I want the healers to look at you."

Thalia looked back out at the water. It was fairly calm, but for a moment she thought she saw a shock of black hair bobbing in the waves.

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