Chapter 13- i just want you to be honest with me

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Chapter 13: *that night* 'so how did your day at the academy go?' Casey asked Dawson as he followed her into their room 'I was nervous at first but after the first drill all my nerves went away' Casey smiled at her 'any other women in your class?' Dawson looked at him 'yeah, one, she's good, she might not be considering putting her tongue back in her mouth over Severide but I'm glad she's there, she's bringing out my competitive spirit... I am so gonna school her ass' Casey laughed 'that's my girl.... Why..... don't you move in with me?' Dawson smiled 'I've...I'd, I'd love that I just think this place has too many memories for you' Casey shook his head 'then... Let's find a new place together' Dawson stopped what she was doing and turned around 'you'd do that?', Casey nodded 'I'd do it tomorrow' Dawson walked over to him and sat on his lap 'really?' Casey looked at her lips 'yeah...' Dawson smiled and kissed him. Casey pulled back and turned to put his coffee on the table, Dawson touched the back of his head where the scar was and frowned 'you'd tell me if anything was wrong, right?' Casey nodded 'of course I would' Dawson looked at him for a few seconds ' I just want you to be honest with me' making Casey smile and pull her back for a kiss

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