Chapter 126- wheres nadia and leslie?

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Chapter 126: shift had just ended and Dawson and Casey got home, as soon as they walked in the door Casey stopped 'where's Nadia and Leslie?' Dawson walked back into the lounge room 'they'll be home in about an hour and a half, they went to the shops and the park' Casey smiled 'an hour and a half?' Dawson looked up and nodded 'yeah, why?' Casey didn't answer and stepped closer to Dawson, he placed one hand on her hip and started kissing her, Dawson didn't respond, he starting kissing her neck 'matt, I have a lot to get done before Nadia and Leslie get home' Casey stopped 'come on, please, we only got a little bit of time together at work and it was rushed, please?' Dawson kissed him 'fine, but afterwards I have to get a lot done' and with that Casey picked up Dawson and carried her to the room, when they got there Casey kicked the door closed and got on top of Dawson on the bed and started kissing her.

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