Chapter 131- MY EYES ARE BURNING!!!

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131: Dawson and Casey were changing out into work uniforms with everyone else in the locker rooms. Casey took off his shirt to put on the work one when Hermann laughed, Casey turned around 'what's so funny Hermann' Hermann put on a serious face 'is your back ok?' Casey looked confused 'what about my back?' Hermann tried to stifle the grin on his face 'it's all red' Casey turned and looked at Dawson, her mouthing a 'I'm sorry', Hermann cleared his throat 'so, lieutenant, what's up with your back? Looks pretty fresh to me' Casey turned around again giving Hermann the death stare 'ok, Hermann, you obviously know what that's from, so why don't you keep your mouth shut' Hermann put his hands up 'you could've said what that's from, I mean, it's not like it's a big deal' Casey looked at Dawson again and she nodded 'ok, Hermann and everyone else, just to save everyone from questioning, yes, I do have scratch marks on my back and yes I have hickeys all over my neck, but that doesn't matter cause I love my wife and it also goes to show that we actually have a good sex life, unlike most people around here' everyone burst into a fit of laughter at what Casey had said, he turned to Dawson who was now a bright shade of red 'I uh.... Gonna go this way' she said as she ran off, Casey cleared his throat 'and I'm gonna uh.... Going this way' he said as he walked in the other direction. Dawson was pouring coffee when Casey came up behind her and kissed her neck 'I'm sorry about blurting all that out in the locker room' Dawson put her coffee down and laughed as she turned to face Casey 'it's ok, well, at least you were being honest' she said as she kissed him 'Mmm.... I'm glad you don't mind' Dawson looked at him 'oh no, I do mind, you just wait for what happens to you!' She said as she kissed him and then grabbed her coffee as she walked over to the table to sit down, Casey shook his head and sat across the table from her with everyone else, she glanced up at him but looked away when their eyes met, Hermann noticed this 'would you guys just stop with the looks!' Hermann exclaimed throwing this hands up, Otis looked up 'what're you talking about?' Hermann turned around to face him 'these two are giving each other looks!' Dawson shrugged 'what's the big deal about it?' Hermann sighed 'it's frustrating watching you two giving each other looks' Dawson cleared her throat and stood up as she grabbed her coffee and then walked into Casey's office, Casey followed her but didn't see her in her bunk so decided to go lie down in his office, he walked into his dark office and laid down on the bed not realising Dawson was sitting on the chair let alone in the room, she stayed still for a while until she decided to speak up she noticed he was asleep 'CASEY!' She yelled making him bolt up, her laughing hysterically 'oh, your done for it!' He said as she continued laughing, he stood up and drew the blinds, then walked over to Dawson, he grabbed her hand to make her stand up, as soon as she stood up Casey picked her up and pulled her legs up so they were resting on his hips 'what are you doing?' Dawson asked, Casey didn't reply, instead he backed up until he fell onto the bed and then rested his hands on both sides of Dawson's hips pulling her closer and kissing her, their make out session was just starting to get heated when Severide walked into the room without knocking 'hey cas-' he stopped mid sentence when he realised Dawson and Casey were lying on the bed making out, Casey pulled his lips from Dawson's and watched as Severide ran out of the room screaming 'BRETT! SYLVIE! HELP!!!! IVE BEEN SCARRED! OH MY GOD, MY EYES ARE BURNING!!! WHY DIDNT I KNOCK!!!!' Dawson got off Casey 'I better go make sure the big baby's okay' Casey laughed 'like this hasn't happened before, I thought I locked the door' he said as he looked at Dawson tying her shoes, he took the opportunity at her bending over and grabbed her butt making her jump 'MATT!!!! Don't do that, don't do that again' she said as she pushed him away 'alright I better go check on Sevvy, make sure the poor guy hasn't had a panic attack' Casey kissed her 'mmm... Or hasn't annoyed Brett, all I heard when he ran out was him screaming out for her' Dawson laughed 'yeah, she's my best friend so he goes to her about anything that involves me' she said as she walked out of the room 'hey guys has anyone seen big baby Sevvy?' Making everyone in the common room laugh 'yeah, he went that way, he dragged Brett with him too' Capp said still laughing, Dawson walked out onto the apparatus floor and found Severide in the corner with his arms around his knees rocking back and forth 'ok, what did he tell you?' Dawson asked Brett 'he said something about being scarred and knocking' Dawson laughed 'serves him right for not knocking' Brett laughed 'sorry, I'm still so confused, what's the thing about knocking?' She said as Dawson smirked and looked at Severide then back at Brett 'me and lieutenant Casey were making out in his office and Severide decided to open the door without knocking' a minute later Casey walked out 'SEVERIDE! SNAP OUT OF IT!' He said as he noticed Severide rocking back and forth 'man, you need to learn how to lock the door' he said laughing, Casey smiled as wrapped his arms around Dawson's waist and rested his chin on her shoulder 'I thought I did' Severide laughed 'yeah, yeah, whatever you say Case' he said still rocking back and forth 'alright get up, I think you've had enough big baby behaviour for one day' Brett said as she helped Severide up 'thanks' he said as he walked away from the apparatus floor and into the common room. At the end of the shift Dawson and Casey went home and Dawson's mom went home, as soon as she left Dawson dropped herself onto the lounge 'ugh, what a shift' Casey came into the lounge room with Leslie in his arms 'yeah, I'm exhausted' he said as he sat down next to Dawson putting his arm around her 'I think we should just watch a movie and relax tonight' Dawson said as she yawned 'yeah, good idea'. They watched a movie until Dawson and Leslie fell asleep and Casey carried Leslie up to her bed and then Dawson into their room.

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